Chapter Twenty-Two

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July 7 1985
The band was scheduled to play their first show of the Theatre of Pain tour the following night in Japan. On the flight over, the guys were acting like kids on a sugar rush, except for Mick of course. Their excitement was understandable though; this was their first world wide tour.

When the plane landed, Mila and the boys all piled into a shiny black sedan that Doc had arranged to pick them up from the airport. The driver introduced himself in a cheerful tone before beginning the route to the band's hotel.

The boys acted up a little in the car, but considering their normal behavior, they were perfect angels. However, that all quickly changed as soon as Mila checked them in and handed out room keys. She took a deep breath as Vince, Tommy, and Nikki all booked it towards the glass elevator. She knew by the looks on their faces that they were about to do something stupid.

The elevator began moving up but before it could even reach the first floor, they turned around and pulled down their pants for everyone in the lobby to see. Mila let out a long groan as the boys topped things off Mötley style with a variety of sexual hand gestures that weren't exactly hard to translate.

"Doc's getting here tomorrow, right?" Mila asked, looking over at Mick for a response. He chuckled and shook his head slightly, "So all of a sudden you can't handle the Crüe?" He asked jokingly as they boarded the elevator. "No one can handle y'all psychos and you know it," Mila said with a laugh. She was good at preventing the boys from getting arrested (the majority of the time) and making sure they were up and ready in the morning to head to the venue, along with some other stressful situations she'd been put in due to the band's actions.

After Mila unlocked the door to her hotel room, she threw her bag on the couch and made a quick phone call to Doc, letting him now everyone was still alive. However just as she clicked down the receiver, her door busted open and in tumbled Nikki and Vince yelling about setting something on fire.

"Jesus Christ you guys we just got here twenty minutes ago, what the hell did you manage to do?!" Mila asked, quickly rising from the bed to her feet. "It's T-tommy," Vince said through laughter. The girl's attention moved to Nikki who's response was the exact same as Vince's. "Fuck," Mila whispered to herself as she glanced out the open doorway.

"Don't leave this room until I get back okay? I don't need y'all starting more trouble while I'm  gone," Mila said to the two who had finally managed to control their laughter. "Chill out Mila! We're just messing around," Nikki said with a look that insinuated she was being an uptight bitch. The girl glared at Sixx for a moment until an idea came to mind that she knew would definitely get their attention.

"If you guys leave this room at any point in time before I get back, I swear I will flush any and every stash of whatever you have," She warned and crossed her arms. Vince's face turned to panic in a split second. Over the years of living together, Mila had figured out every single hiding spot Vince had. Nikki on the other hand seemed to not be phased at all by the threat, "I'm the only one besides Tommy who even knows where I keep my shit," He replied in a cocky tone.

Mila gave the boy a condescending smile as she spoke, "So it's not hidden in the bathroom taped underneath the sink in the back corner?" Came the sentence that made Nikki's entire demeanor change, "How the fuck..." He trailed off, looking at her in disbelief before turning to Vince for an explanation. Vince shrugged his shoulders and shook his head, "I have no idea, it's like her sixth sense," The blonde replied.

Mila brushed past the two with a content look on her face, "Y'all forget how much shit I'm around for with you guys. Vince, I've lived with you for nearly five years, you're dreaming if you think there's a single thing about you that I don't know. Nikki, I've had to put your drunk ass to bed so many times on tour I've lost count. Also, you're very easily convinced when you're drunk, you like to talk a lot too so I know a lot more than you think," She chuckled. "It's not my fault! You took advantage of me!" Nikki joked, causing Mila to roll her eyes. She turned around to leave when Nikki added on one last comment, "My mind gets easily distracted when a girl like you ends up in my hotel room at night, I get busy thinking about other things," He trailed off, watching the girls body for a reaction.

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