Chapter Nine

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Mila groaned as she opened her eyes. After they had adjusted to the sunlight, she looked down and saw an arm wrapped lazily around her wait. Nikki lay next to her on his stomach, his hair a crazy black mess as usual.

When Mila moved to get out of the bed, she felt his arm tighten around her. "Where ya going?" She heard Nikki ask groggily. "I thought you were sleeping," Mila replied with a chuckle. Nikki pulled the girl closer to him, readjusting his grip on her waist and resting his head on her shoulder. "I was only half sleeping and then I felt you trying to leave so then I wasn't sleeping at all," He explained. "Well we can't just lay here all day," Mila sighed. "Says who?" Nikki mumbled.

The girl tried once more to sit up, but was pulled back down. "Nikki come on," She laughed as she tried to free herself from his grip, which only resulted in him pulling her body on top of his. "You're not leaving this bed until I say so," Nikki said with a smug smile. Mila smirked as an idea crossed her mind. "Okay then," She said and pressed her lips to his. The girl rested one hand on the boy's chest as she trailed her lips across his jawline. She kissed his neck softly and heard a slight moan from Nikki as his hands loosened around her waist. In a quick movement, she rolled over and off the bed with a laugh. "That was just mean," Nikki said and narrowed his eyes at Mila. "No, it was smart," She replied with a giggle.

Before Nikki could reply, there was a sharp knock at the door. "Ugh, Vince must've lost his keys last night," Mila groaned as she picked her shirt up off the ground and slid it over her head. She walked out of the bedroom and towards the door of the apartment. However, when she opened it, it was not the person she was expecting standing in front of her.

"Oh, hi Doc," Mila said in a surprised tone. Here she was standing in her underwear and t-shirt in front of the bands new manager. "Sorry I thought you were Vince, how did you know where I live?" She added as she tugged down on the slightly oversized shirt. Doc seemed unphased as usual by her appearance. After all the things he's seen on the road, this must be a basic occurrence for him. "I asked around at the whiskey, your friend Jessie gave me your address when I told her who I was," He started, but before he could continue, Nikki draped his arm over Mila's shoulder, "Hey Doc," He said as casual as ever.

This had to be one of the most awkward moments of Mila's life. Nikki standing there in just his boxers, arm wrapped around her nonchalantly, with the person who would basically be running the band's career standing there in front of them. "Hello Nikki," Doc said before turning his attention back to Mila. "I was going to ask if you could get the band to meet me at the rainbow to talk about a tour tonight at 8," He stated. "Uh yeah, I'll tell the rest of the guys," Mila replied. "Great, oh and I'd like you there as well," Doc said before turning around to leave. "Holy shit, a tour already?" Nikki said in an excited voice as Doc descended the steps and Mila closed the door.

"I'm gonna shower and then we can go tell the rest of the boys about the meeting," Mila stated excitedly and walked back towards the bedroom. "Can I join?" Nikki chimed in. "I was hoping you'd ask that," Mila replied over her shoulder.
Nikki and Mila walked through the door of the boy's apartment to the aftermath of the party the night before. As would be expected, beer cans, liquor bottles, and many other things littered the floor.

Mick was passed out on the couch and Tommy and Vince on the floor. "Wake up!" Mila shouted, causing Mick to open his eyes. Tommy and Vince still laid motionless on the floor. She kicked Vince lightly in the side and shook Tommy's shoulder, causing them to wake up as well. The two boys groaned and sat up slowly. Mila lit up a cigarette as she spoke, "Doc wants to talk to everyone tonight at 8 about a tour," She said. The three looked at each other with surprised faces. "Fuck yeah dude!" Tommy shouted.

"What time is it now?" Vince asked as he rubbed his face. "It's two," Nikki replied with a laugh, sitting down next to Mick. "Mila pass me a square," The blonde said with a yawn. The girl took out her carton of smokes and tossed one to Vince. "A tour calls for drinks, we got any vodka left?" Mick questioned. "Jesus Mick, my head feels like I got hit by a bus," Tommy moaned as he laid back on the floor. "Fucking teenagers," Mick snickered as he stood in search of a bottle.

"Everyone needs to meet at the rainbow tonight. And please don't be late," Mila sighed as she sat down next to Nikki. He wrapped his hand around her leg and smiled, "You're like our personal assistant," He said. "Fuck off," Mila replied with a laugh.


As seven thirty rolled around, everyone left Nikki's to walk to the rainbow. Mila was still curious as to why Doc had asked her to be there. They walked through the doors of the restaurant and sat at their usual booth. Everyone ordered a beer as they waited for Doc. Mila noticed Vince eyeing a girl up and down as she drank her budweiser. "Hey!" She said, drawing the attention of Vince and the rest of the group. "No girls under the table tonight. Not until the meeting with Doc is over," Mila stated, eyeing the group. "Ugh you're no fun Mila," Tommy groaned.

As Mila lit up a cigarette, she saw Doc enter the restaurant and head towards their table. He looked very pleased as Tommy moved over to make room. "Glad everyone could make it on time," Doc said as he sat down. "Yeah well Mila was on our ass about it all day," Mick said with a chuckle, causing an eye roll from the girl.

"Well I'll just get straight to the point," Doc began. "I've booked Motley Crue to play at the US festival. You'll be flown in by helicopter. It's tomorrow in San Bernardino. You'll be playing at noon," Doc said and looked at the group for affirmation. "We're going in a fucking helicopter?!" Tommy asked giddily. Mila chuckled at the boy's reaction.

"You'll sing nine songs. Tom informed me that you all had some new tracks?" Doc questioned. "Yeah we've got a couple," Nikki answered proudly. "It'd be a good idea to add those in, give the band a kickstart before the tour," Doc advised.

As conversation went on about other shows and when the tour would start, Doc turned to Mila. "I'd like to offer you a job," He said suddenly with a smile. The girl looked at him with a surprised expression, "What kind of job? They're the one with the talent," She said, confused. "Perhaps we could talk in private for a moment," Doc suggested, rising from the table and motioning for her to follow. Mila stood as well and followed the man outside, both receiving confused looks from the band.

Standing outside of the restaurant, Mila lit up a square. She blew smoke out as she spoke, "So what's this all about?" She asked, ready to know why a big manager wanted to offer a bartender a job. "I've been making some inquires about the Mötley boys and most people give me the same story. That they're wild, out of control, maniacs that don't give a shit about what anyone thinks or has to say," Doc replied with a sigh. Mila laughed at this comment. "And that's the fucking truth," She said and took another drag of her cigarette. "However, word is, the only person that seems to be able to get through to them is you," Doc said in a more hopeful tone. "I'd like you to come on tour as a sort of, well, mediator for Tom and I," He continued.

Mila thought about the proposal for a minute before answering, "Look, I'd love to go on the tour, but no one tells those boys what to do. And you're fooling yourself if you think that's gonna change just because I'm there..." Mila said doubtfully. "Even so, I feel things would go a lot smoother with you around," Doc countered. Mila looked at the man for a moment and shrugged her shoulders. "Okay then. Count me in," She said with a smile. "Great, thank you Mila," Doc replied happily.

The manager then informed Mila that he had another meeting he had to attend and gave her a quick handshake before leaving. The girl walked back into the restaurant, excited to tell the band the news. As she slid back into the booth, Vince passed her a shot of vodka. It seemed in the small amount of time Mila had been outside, the boys had wasted no time in ordering as much liquor as possible.

"So what was that all about?" Nikki asked as he threw back a shot of JD. "Yeah what happened?" Mick questioned from across the table. "Well, it has come to Doc's attention that Mötley Crüe has an attitude problem," Mila said in mock seriousness, earning a laugh from everyone at the table. "So he asked me to come on tour to help keep an eye on all of you," She finished. "Keep an eye on us? Like that'll do anything," Nikki said with a smirk and put his arm around the girl. "Yeah if anything, she'll be getting in as much trouble as we do," Vince added on, smiling. Mila rolled her eyes in response to the group's remarks. But in all honesty, Vince was probably right. How could she be expected to go on tour with the crüe and not have a little fun?

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