Chapter Fifteen

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Vince sat in a chair by Mila's hospital bed, tapping his foot to the rhythm of her heart rate monitor. Tommy and Mick had left around a half hour ago to pick up some food for lunch. Nikki hadn't been to the hospital in a month. The band hardly ever saw him now days, it was as if he had just vanished from everyone's lives. 

Sixx had been spending practically all of his spare time with Vanity. Tommy had managed to drag the boy along to enough rehearsals for them to finish their upcoming album 'Theatre of Pain' that was scheduled for release in a little over a month. However, Nikki spent half of the time he was at the studio in the bathroom doing god knows what. 

Vince stared at Mila's face. Her cheeks had hallowed out even more and her eyes were sunken in due to being fed by the IV. Vince felt tears brim his eyes as he thought back to the accident. Razzle was dead, Mila had been in a coma for over three months, and it was all his fault. 

The nineteen days he had spent in jail were absolute hell. No one had come to visit him and he had spent every single day dealing with the gut wrenching guilt of his actions in a lonely cell. Vince had gone straight to the hospital as soon as he was released and had spent nearly all of his time by Mila's side. 

Vince had been informed by Mick that Nikki had originally been spending every waking moment at the hospital, but one day just quit showing up. Vince and Nikki had not seen each other nor had they spoken since the night of the accident. But according to Tommy, Nikki was in a major downward spiral.

Vince felt the tears start to trickle down his face as he thought about all the time he had spent with Mila in the past. She had been there for him through everything, she was not only his best friend, she was his sister. He laced his fingers with Mila's as quiet sobs began to take over his body. Vince brought the girl's hand to his cheek, "I'm so sorry," He whispered repeatedly as the tears streamed down his cheeks. 

"Please wake up Mila, I need you back," Vince continued. He closed his eyes and laid his head against the hospital bed, wrapping both of his hands around Mila's smaller hand. Vince sniffled as his grip around the girl's fingers tightened slightly. Mila was never going to wake up and it was all his fault.

Just as Vince's sobs began to grow louder, he felt Mila's fingers twitch in his hands. The boy's head popped up, excitement racing through his body, but nothing else happened.

Vince's heart started to sink once more until he felt the girl's fingers slowly tighten around his hands. His heart lept and his eyes lit up, "Mila...?" He whispered hopefully. Vince watched as Mila's eyes blinked open.

It was as if all the weight in the world had been lifted from the singer's heart. Mila's eyes met Vince's and the boy went speechless, he never thought they'd lock eyes again. "Vince?" Mila spoke in a quiet voice. "Where am I...?" She continued.

Vince didn't utter a single syllable. The boy lunged forward and wrapped his arms tightly around the girl's tiny figure. "Holy fuck... I didn't know if you'd ever wake up," Vince sobbed against Mila's shoulder.

The moment couldn't of been timed more perfect, as Mila rubbed Vince's back, Tommy and Mick entered the room. "HOLY FUCK!" They both shouted in unison. The pair rushed over to Mila's bed, joining in on the hug.

Mila grunted from the weight of the three people practically on top of her, "Guys it's starting to hurt," She spoke with a chuckle. The boys all pulled back and stared at her, big smiles plastered across their faces.

Mila glanced around the room and her surroundings for a moment before speaking, "Why am I in the hospital? What happened?" She questioned. Mick, Tommy, and Vince immediately got uncomfortable. Tommy diverted his gaze to the ground and Mick rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "There was an accident at the party..." Vince finally spoke up.


"Oh my god..." Mila spoke softly as the boys finished their explanation of the events that had occurred the night of the accident. "I can't believe Razzle's gone," She said, mostly to herself. Mila glanced up and saw the hurt in Vince's eyes. She reached for the boy's hand, "Hey, Vinnie, it could of happened to any of us..." The girl said gently. Vince mustered a smile. 'Vinnie' was the nickname Mila had given him during their freshman year of high school, it felt good to hear her call him that again. 

"So um, where's Nikki?" Mila asked. The tension in the room went through the roof, none of the boys wanting to answer the question. "Guys...?" Mila spoke again with a chuckle. "What's wrong?" She asked, her tone growing more serious as the silence continued. 

"Go ahead, call him," Vince said to Tommy in a monotone voice. Tommy shot Vince a hard look. "Yeah, call him. I want to see him," Mila said, not understanding the uncertainty of the group. Tommy glanced at Mila with a sympathetic look before exiting the room.


Nikki sighed as he poured himself another shot of whiskey. He had barely come to life twenty minutes ago and was already drinking his breakfast. After throwing back the shot, he walked over to his dresser and fumbled around in one of the drawers before finding what he wanted. The boy smiled to himself as he retrieved the baggie of cocaine from its hiding spot. 

Sitting back down at the table, Nikki took another gulp of jack before dumping out the white powder onto the table. He used his knife to cut the substance and form himself a couple lines. Sixx rolled up a dollar bill and bent down to snort a bump. 

Just as the boy was leaning back down for another hit, the phone rang. Nikki groaned as he rose from his seat. He figured it was probably Vanity asking how much coke or Jack Daniels to pick up since she was coming over later. 

Sixx stumbled over to the phone and picked up the receiver, "Hello?" He answered. "Hey Nik, it's Tommy," Nikki heard from the other end. "Hey man what's up," The boy replied uninterestedly. There was a brief pause on the other line before Tommy spoke again, "Mila's awake," He stated plainly. 

Nikki felt his heart stop and his knees go weak. Was it the drugs or did he really hear Tommy clearly, "What?" He asked in a shaky voice. "Mila's awake and she's asking for you dude," Tommy explained in an anxious tone. Nikki's heart pounded against his chest as he stood frozen in the moment.

"What do you want me to tell her Sixx?" Tommy asked. Silence. "Nikki?" Tommy asked after a moment. Nikki's hand trembled as he held the phone against his ear. He was completely shocked. He didn't know what to say. There was no way he was going to see her, no matter how much his heart ached at the thought. 

In a swift movement, Nikki slammed the receiver down. Tears began to blur his vision as he walked back over to the table of liquor and cocaine. He stared at the coke and whisky a moment before making up his mind. 

Sixx went straight to the bathroom as quick as he could. He locked the door and frantically prepared a shot of smack as he heard the phone began to ring once more. All the thoughts and emotions that he hated had broken loose and were crashing around in his head again. 

As the heroin entered his system, Nikki relaxed. His arms dropped to his sides and his heart rate slowed its pace. Finally, serenity. The boy let out a sigh of relief as darkness clouded his vision and his body went numb. 

(A/N: Thanks for reading guys! I love writing this story so much and I'm so grateful to everyone who reads it. Please vote it's so very much appreciated!! Leave feedback in the comments, I love hearing what y'all think! 🌟🖤 -Abby)

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