Chapter Eighteen

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Nikki sat at his house in front of the television watching MTV. T-Bone had called earlier and was supposed to stop by. As Nikki lifted his glass of whiskey to his lips, he heard the doorbell ring. He rose to his feet and walked over to the door, behind which was Tommy. "What's up man," Tommy greeted the boy with a smile. "Hey dude," Nikki replied as he stepped aside to let Tommy in.

The two retreated to the living room after Nikki collected another bottle of Jack from the kitchen. "So what's the plan for tonight?" Nikki questioned as he passed the bottle to Tommy. "Eh, same shit as always probably. Hit up the bars, drink, snort, and fuck everything in sight," Tommy joked with a laugh.

Nikki chuckled as he lit up a cigarette, "Is Mila gonna go out with us...?" He asked tentatively as he blew out smoke. Tommy sighed as he reached for the cigarette pack, "I really don't know after what happened last time.. I can call her and ask," He said with a shrug as he lit the cigarette.

Nikki groaned and buried his face in his hands, "I fucked up T-Bone," He said. "So you're finally admitting to it," Tommy said with a laugh as he took a swig of whiskey. Nikki rolled his eyes and reached for the bottle. "But seriously dude, what the fucks going on between you and Mila? Before the..accident..y'all were fine. But after, I don't know, you changed dude," Tommy spoke.

Nikki let out a long sigh, he really didn't like talking about what went through his head but, it was Tommy. "I deal with grief in my own special way I guess... When I thought she wasn't gonna wake up, I panicked. I got scared and I don't deal with fear well," Nikki explained slowly. "Uh huh..." Tommy said, still feeling his question was unanswered.

"It's like, every time I get close to someone, they either leave or fuck me over," Nikki continued, taking a drag off his square. "When I thought I was never gonna see Mila again, it hurt like nothing else ever has man..." Nikki said, his voice getting shaky towards the end. "The way I see it, she's too good for me. She was gonna leave eventually. This way, we won't be together when she realizes it," He finished.

Tommy narrowed his eyes as he spoke, "So you're telling me, that the reason you didn't come to the hospital and the reason you hooked up with Vanity, was because you're afraid of Mila leaving you?" Tommy asked in a confused tone. Nikki simply shrugged in response. "So you cutting her off and refusing to get close to her again is supposed to fix all that?" The drummer continued. "That and other things..." Nikki said quietly. "Dude. That is the stupidest shit I've ever heard," Tommy said and shook his head.

"Well thanks a lot," Nikki replied sarcastically. "Man, she loved you. She would've never fucked you over. Everyone knew that," Tommy said as he took another swig of the whiskey. Nikki's heart lept in his chest when Tommy said that Mila loved him. "Yeah well it doesn't matter now. She hates me," Nikki said as nonchalantly as he could. "Only because you're acting like a dick! I mean shit, you beat that bartender to a pulp just for talking to her!" Tommy exclaimed.

Nikki felt the anger course through his body as he thought back to that night. In his mind, he couldn't be with Mila. But that doesn't mean someone else is allowed to be with her. "You're one confusing dude Sixx," Tommy added on with a chuckle. "Well I'm tired of talking about this bullshit, I say we do some blow and then get the fuck outta here," Nikki said with a mischievous grin. "You read my mind," Tommy replied with a smile.


After killing a fish and nearly half the bottle of jack, Tommy and Nikki both got in Nikki's car and headed to pick up Vince and Mila. Tommy had convinced Mila to join the group, promising that Nikki would keep his temper under control.

Nikki pulled up to the house that sat on Redondo Beach and after a few seconds, Mila and Vince came out. Nikki watched Mila as she walked to the car, she had on a pair of skin tight black jeans with rips in the knees. She also had on what used to be Nikki's New York Dolls shirt with low cuts in the sides that she had done herself with a pair of scissors, he knew this because he was there when she did it. He thought back to that night with a smile.


"What are you doing with those scissors?" Nikki asked hesitantly as he watched Mila shuffle through the clothes in her closet. "You'll see," The girl replied as she pulled a shirt off the hanger. Nikki watched as Mila sat on the ground and began to cut down the side of the New York Dolls shirt that she had worn home the first night they slept together. Nikki had decided to let her keep the shirt after that night, he liked seeing her in his clothes anyways. Mila repeated the process on the other side of the shirt before turning around and slipping off the hoodie she currently had on. Nikki's eyes scanned the girl's bare skin before she pulled the modified shirt on over her body that now revealed the skin covering her rib cage. Mila turned around and smiled, "Tada! Now it's way cooler," She said with a laugh as she sat on her bed next to Nikki. "If you say so," Nikki said with a chuckle. Mila smiled at the boy and leaned in to kiss him, however when she tried to pull back, Nikki's hand moved to the back of her head and pulled her back in. She smiled into the kiss and felt Nikki's hand slip under her shirt and slide up her back. Mila pulled back for a moment to slip her shirt off and saw Nikki's eyes spark with interest when she did, "When did you get that?" He asked, staring at the tattoo on the side of her rib cage. The words 'Starry Eyes' were inked in cursive on her skin. "The other day when y'all were recording, it's my favorite song on the album," Mila replied with a smile. "I love it," Nikki said happily as he pulled Mila's body back down to his.


Nikki watched as Mila opened the back door of the car and caught glimpse of the 'starry eyes' tattoo as her and Vince got in. Nikki smiled to himself, he hadn't told the girl or anyone else in the band that he had actually written the song 'Starry Eyes' about Mila. It made him happy knowing that the song would forever be a part of Mila, even if she had no clue it was about her.

"What are you smiling about?" Tommy asked, snapping Nikki out of his thoughts. "Oh nothing, nice shirt Mila," Nikki said with a smirk as he put the car in drive. He watched in the rearview mirror as Mila looked down and her face turned a slight shade of red. She hadn't put two and two together when she was getting dressed. "Is Mick not coming?" Mila asked, choosing to ignore Nikki's comment. "Nah he said he would rather just stay in tonight," Tommy replied.

As the group began making their way towards their favorite bar, Nikki flipped on the radio and of all songs that could be playing on the radio, heard Vince's voice come through the speakers singing the lyrics to 'Starry Eyes'. "Aw man, change it, I don't wanna listen to myself," Vince groaned.

When Nikki reached forward to change the station, he felt a hand on his shoulder, "No, please leave it on! I love this song," Mila said. Nikki lifted his hand in a sign of defeat, "Sorry dude," He said to Vince as Mila leaned back in her seat.

Nikki looked up to the rearview mirror and for a second, saw Mila already looking at him with a smile on her face. Of course, she looked down the moment their eyes met. Nikki felt a pang of sadness erupt in his heart. Oh Starry Eyes, you couldn't be more perfect if you tried.

(A/N: I've been listening to Starry Eyes all day so I decided to make the song part of the chapter 😊 hope you guys enjoyed 🖤)

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