Chapter Seven

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The name Mötley Crüe traveled fast around Los Angeles. Everyone was talking about the new wild rock n roll band on The Strip. Vince ended up quitting his electrician job and was now working with the band full time. After all, the band was selling out every venue they played at, so the pay wasn't bad at all. Mila would go to the concerts she could when she didn't have to work. She loved watching the band come together on stage and put together everything she had seen at rehearsals. The fans loved it too, people would be lined up outside for hours to guarantee themselves a ticket to see Mötley Crüe live.

Vince had tried to convince Mila to quit her job at the Whiskey after a few shows with Mötley. He had told her that she should just help them out with the shows, that way she wouldn't miss a concert and wouldn't have to deal with all the creeps that tried to pick her up at the Whiskey. It was true that the more publicity the band got, the more creepy guys would show up at Mila's work, only interested in trying to take the 'Mötley Crüe groupie' home. That was how the tabloids addressed her. Of course, they had no way of knowing that wasn't the case and it wasn't like they stuck around to ask questions. Mila would see her picture in the paper along with the rest of the band with headliners that read: 'Mötley Groupie' 'Girlfriend or Groupie?' and 'Brunette seen with The Crüe again'.

She had laughed about it at first, but then more and more weirdos had started showing up at her work and hanging around until her shift ended. One, who had had too much to drink, had stuck around outside and started harassing her when she started walking home. When Vince heard this, he decided to start walking her home after her shifts when it didn't interfere with a show.

Mila had just clocked out. She threw on her leather jacket before walking out the backdoor of the Whiskey. Outside waiting for her was not the blonde she had expected. "Nikki? What are you doing here?" She asked. Nikki had been leaned against the wall smoking a cigarette, when she spoke he turned to her with a smile. "Vince and the other guys wanted to go get drinks at the rainbow so I offered to walk you home from work. Unless you want to go meet up with them?" He offered, flicking the ash off his cigarette. "Let's go get drinks with the guys. It's been a long day," Mila replied as she reached in her purse for her carton of smokes and a lighter.

As she lit one up, they began walking towards the rainbow. "Did anyone bother you today?" Nikki asked as they walked. Mila chuckled before answering, "Not anymore than usual. My tips have gone up though. Guys think if they tip me enough, that they get to take me home," She said with an eye roll. "Well they should know, you're not the band's groupie, you're my groupie and mine only," Nikki said. Mila could tell without even looking over at the boy that he was smirking. "I'm not anyone's fucking groupie, you're just fun..." Mila replied with a smile and a shrug. She knew he was joking, but having Nikki call her his caused a twinge of excitement in her chest. But she quickly got it out of her system before she gave it too much thought.

Mila and Nikki walked through the doors of the all hours restaurant and spotted the group at a booth in the middle of the room. Beer bottles and glasses were all over the table. When they approached the group, Tommy greeted them and moved over in the booth to make room for them. Nikki slid in first and then Mila. "How was work Mila?" Tommy asked. "Same old situation as usual," Mila replied. Vince slid her a beer which she gladly accepted. "Y'all ready for the show tomorrow?" Mila asked as she lit up a cigarette. "Totally, we've got some new props for the stage and some 44s to give out to the crowd, it's gonna be awesome. It's already sold out!" Tommy said excitedly. "No surprise there," Mila said as she took a drink of her beer. Nikki leaned his arm back against the booth and gently rested the fingertips of his hand on Mila's shoulder. The slight contact caused shivers down her arm.

Before anyone could say anything else, a skinny young man wearing a green and black striped shirt approached the table. "Hi guys, my name's Tom Zutaut, I work for Electra Records, you have a minute to talk?" He asked, obviously very nervous. "Yeah sure sit down," Vince laughed and moved over to make room.

All of the guys except Nikki were clearly nowhere near sober. Here was a man from a big record company coming to talk to them and they were acting like it was no big deal. But then again, that was sort of the bands personality. "Well I'm just gonna dive right in, I've seen what you guys have been doing and I think with my help I could re- WHAT THE FUCK," Tom quickly jumped up from the table, his zipper down. A blonde head appeared from under the table and looked up at him. "No? Not for you?" She asked nonchalantly. Mila rolled her eyes at the scene. "Um no- no thank you," Tom replied awkwardly with the shocked expression still on his face. "Okay!" The girl said before disappearing back under the table. Mila leaned over and whispered in Nikki's ear, "You got me fucked up if you think I'm sitting next to you while this tramp gives you a blowjob," Nikki chuckled before whispering back, "I was actually gonna hold off until I decided whether or not you were gonna let me get a piece of your action tonight," As he leaned back, Mila could see the flirtatious smile plastered across his lips. "Such a gentleman," She said sarcastically as she watched Tom sit back down. "Anyways as I was saying, so.. do you guys want a record deal?" He finally asked. "Uhhh," Nikki said before grabbing the back of Tommy's head and playfully banging it on the table. Mick shook his head at them as the two burst out in laughter.

Tom watched the group, waiting for a response. Mila leaned forward and spoke, "A record deal?" She asked. Tom looked at the girl and smiled, happy that someone was taking him seriously and listening. "Yeah I haven't signed any bands yet but I've been watching what they've done in LA and I think I could really give them a shot with this deal," Tom explained. Nikki draped his arm back over Mila as she talked more with Tom about the record deal. He gave her his card and told him to call her if they had anymore questions.

"You guys are gonna get a fucking record deal!" She said excitedly. "Yeah well, I don't know if I can trust a guy who turns down a free blowjob," Vince said before laughing. Mila threw a crumpled up napkin at him and shook her head. "You guys really can't take anything seriously," She said with a soft laugh.

After having a few more rounds, the group all left to go home. Mila and Nikki walked out of the restaurant together and paused outside to light up their cigarettes. "So, anyway I could tempt you to come back to my place tonight?" Nikki asked, blowing out smoke. Mila smirked as they started walking. "I definitely think you could Sixx," She replied. Nikki put his arm over her shoulder and pulled her closer to him as they walked. That same familiar excited feeling leapt in Mila's chest. When she was with Nikki she felt safe and protected. It was a good feeling. But that same nervous doubt entered her mind. The thought that this wasn't permanent and it probably never would be. No matter how badly she wanted it to be.

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