Chapter Twelve

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The band released their second album 'Shout at the Devil' a couple months after the US festival performance. The feedback was amazing. It sold over 200,000 copies in only two weeks. The label and the band were ecstatic.

Vince and Mila had recently purchased a house together. They had lived together so long and spent the same amount of time on the road, so it seemed fitting. However, Mila spent most nights at Nikki's house. To celebrate the album's success, Mila and Vince decided to have a party at the house.

All of the Crüe members were there, as well as members from another band Hanoi Rocks who were touring America for the first time. The group had met the band at the Whiskey one night and had been partying together since.
The house was at full capacity. People from the record company, models, actors, tabloid journalists, and radio hosts were everywhere.

Mila was sitting on the couch with Nikki and Mick. Mick had a bottle of liquor and Nikki was taking bumps from the mound of cocaine on the coffee table. Mila took a swig of her beer as she listened to the band's album playing over the speakers in the house. She was so proud of them, they had worked their asses off on the record and now they were scheduled for a tour of the states. Everything was going great.

"Babe," Nikki spoke, breaking Mila from her train of thought. "Here," He said, holding a bump of cocaine towards her. Mila put a finger on one side of her nose before leaning her head down and snorting the bump. She exhaled slowly as the euphoria from the drug spread through her body.

Mila grabbed her pack of cigarettes off the table and was about to light one when she saw Vince and Razzle, the drummer for Hanoi Rocks, walk past her. "Hey, where are y'all going?" She questioned, cigarette hanging from her lips. "To get more booze!" Vince called over his shoulder.

"Wait up! I wanna go," The girl spoke. Mila grabbed her pack of cigarettes and lighter off the table and stood up, but Nikki caught her by the arm. She turned around to look at him. "What's wrong?" She asked. "Are you sure it's a good idea for y'all to be driving?" Nikki asked, a look of concern in his eyes. Mila smiled at him, "It's right down the street, we'll be back before you know it. Besides, I wanna ride in Vince's new car," She said excitedly. "Okay, just be careful," Said Nikki. Mila gave him a kiss on the cheek before jogging out the door to the other two boys.

Nikki had a bad feeling as he watched the girl exit the house, but figured it was just paranoia from the coke and brushed it off.
Mila jumped in the car behind Razzle and Vince started the car's engine. They peeled out of the driveway and sped off towards the liquor store, making it there in under three minutes. Mila and Razz listened to the radio and talked while Vince went inside to get the alcohol.

Mila could feel her head buzzing from the drugs and drinks she had at the party. When Vince came back out to the car, he handed Mila the bags of bottles and pulled out of the store parking lot, heading back towards the house.

Mila sort of zoned out while Vince and Razzle made jokes from the front seat. However, she was slammed back into reality when she saw headlights in their path. "Vince watch out!" She screamed. "Fuck!" Vince yelled when he saw the car in front of them and veered the wheel quickly to the left. A huge force hit them and Mila felt her body get thrown to the side of the car and then she felt pain jolting through her body. She tried to look around but her vision soon went completely black.
Back at the house, as more time passed, the more anxious Nikki got. Finally, he stood from the couch, informing Mick that he needed a breath of fresh air.

As Nikki walked out the front door, he caught glimpse of red and blue flashing lights, and then came the faint sound of sirens. His stomach did a flip and his heart starting pounding against his chest. Nikki pushed the door back open, "Mick! Get Tommy and get the fuck out here! I think there might've been an accident!" He yelled through the doorway.

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