Chapter Ten

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Mila watched from the couch as the boys got ready for their show. She had informed her manager at the Whiskey the night before that she was quitting. Although he was pissed about the short notice and that she didn't put in a two weeks, he told her that if she ever wanted to come back, he would hire her back in a heart beat. The offer wasn't surprising, she was the best bartender at the place.

Mick sat in the corner with his bottle of vodka and sunglasses, as usual. Tommy was trying to to make his hair larger than life with a bottle of hair spray and Nikki was smudging black paint under his eyes. Vince however had disappeared earlier and was still nowhere to be found.

"We're supposed to be on stage in ten minutes, where is Vince?" Tommy asked nervously. Tom walked into the dressing room right after Tommy's question. "Still no Vince?" He asked in the same tone as the drummer. Mila stood from the couch and spoke, "I'll go look for him," She said and walked out into the hallway.

Mila had noticed Vince flirting with the girl Tom had brought to the show earlier. He had tried to be slick about it, but Mila knew him too well. So she went to the place she was almost certain both of them would be.

As she tried to push the bathroom door next to the stage open, it wouldn't budge. Mila knocked, "Vince?" She called out through the door. "What?!" She heard the boy call back. "The show's about to start, everyone's looking for you!" She said impatiently. "Coming!" Came the reply. Mila scoffed as she leaned against the wall, "I'm sure you are," She whispered to herself.

A few moments later, the door opened and just as Mila had suspected, the date Tom had brought walked out the door, followed by Vince. As the girl walked off, Mila grabbed the boy by his arm, "Are you crazy? You guys just signed a record deal with Tom and you do realize that fucking his girlfriend could seriously fuck that up!?" Mila whisper shouted at Vince. "Only if he finds out," The blonde replied with a laugh. "Jesus Christ, some things just never change," She said with a chuckle as she jogged to keep up with the singer.

When Mila and Vince turned the corner into the dressing room, looks of relief were plastered across everyone's faces. "Nice job scaring the shit outta everyone blondie," Mick said in his monotone voice. "Never mind that, we need to get y'all out there," Tom said and began rushing the boys out of the room and toward the stage.

Nikki paused beside Mila, "Where the hell was he?" The boy questioned. "Oh just doing what he does best," Mila sighed. "And that is?" Nikki ensued. "Causing trouble," Mila said with a smile. Nikki rolled his eyes and laughed, "That's supposed to be my job," He said before following the rest of the boys on stage.

Mila watched the boys from the side of the stage as they ran through their set. It was hotter than hell but the crowd loved them. They played a few of their original songs and some off the new album they were working on finishing up. By the end of the performance, everyone was shouting the name of the band.

The boys came off the stage sweaty and ecstatic. "That was awesome! There must've been a million people out there!" Tommy shouted, bouncing with adrenaline. "300,000 actually, but close enough," Mila said jokingly.

Vince walked over to Mila and swung his arm around her, "I don't know about y'all, but that pool at the hotel is sounding pretty good right about now," He said. "Ew you're all sweaty," Mila whined, escaping his grip. "But I definitely agree," She said, fixing her ponytail.

Once the guys had gotten out of their stage makeup and costumes, everyone made a beeline for the bus. "Thank the lord for cold air," Mick said, easing himself down into a chair. Vince and Tommy sat down next to each other, rambling on about the show and the upcoming album.

As the bus started moving towards the hotel, Mila threw herself onto the couch with a sigh, "My legs are killing me," She groaned. Nikki looked at the girl with a mischievous smile before dropping himself on top of her. "Nikki what the fuck!" She shouted with a laugh. "Could you two at least wait until we're back at the hotel?" Mick said as he took off his sunglasses. "Aw come on Mick, no need to be jealous," Nikki said mockingly, earning a middle finger in response from Mick.

As the bus rolled to a stop outside the hotel, Doc was in the lobby waiting. Everyone grabbed their bags and then Doc passed out everyone's room keys. After Doc pleading with the band to be on their best behavior, everyone departed to their rooms.

Mila entered her room and threw her bags on the bed. Everyone was on the same floor, Doc had told Mila beforehand that this had been arranged so she could keep a better eye on the band when he wasn't around. However, the whole band on the same floor was probably gonna cause more problems then it would solve.

The girl unzipped her suitcase and retrieved her swimsuit. Just as Mila had finished slipping on her bottoms, there was a knock at the door. She looked through the peephole and saw Vince standing outside. When she opened the door, she noticed he was carrying a bottle of vodka. "It's time to celebrate!" The blonde said excitedly.

Once downstairs, Mila walked through the gate to the pool area with Vince and saw the whole group was already there. As the the two approached the rest of the group, everyone's heads popped up and stared at Mila. She felt her cheeks heat up, "What?" She asked with a chuckle. "Nothing," Tommy said, clearing his throat and diverting his gaze. "You're fucking sexy that's what," Nikki said, continuing to eye the girl. "Really Sixx?" Mick said in an annoyed tone, resulting in a laugh from the rest of the group.

Unlike Tommy and Vince who both had on swim attire, Mick and Nikki were completely clothed. Mila laid back in the chair next to the bass player. Vince unscrewed the bottle of vodka and poured a couple shots into cups for everyone. Mila took the cup Vince handed her and downed the contents in one gulp. "Jesus Mila, it's not water," Tommy said with a laugh. "I thought we were celebrating," Mila replied with a smile.

After a few moments of relaxing in the sun, Mila noticed Vince making hand signals toward Nikki. Sixx got up from his chair and walked over to the singer. The girl watched from behind her sunglasses as Vince whispered something to Nikki that caused a smirk to spread across the dark haired boy's lips. Nikki then returned to his seat next to Mila. "What was that about?" She asked, suspicion rising in her thoughts. "Oh nothing, don't worry about it," The boy replied with a shrug.

"Hey Mila, want another drink?" Vince called out from his chair. "Duh," She replied with a smile. "Okay princess well come get it," Vince said, picking up the bottle of vodka. Mila groaned as she grabbed her cup and rose from her seat, walking towards the boy. A devilish grin appeared on Vince's face as she approached him. Just as Mila was about to question the look, she felt a pair of arms wrap around her waist. The arms scooped her up and she was thrown over someone's shoulder. Mila realized it was Nikki as she was carried toward the edge of the pool.

"Nikki put me down!" She yelled and squirmed around, attempting to get free from his grip. "Nope," He replied with a chuckle as the rest of the group watched in amusement. "Sixx I swear to god, I'll-," Mila didn't have time to finish before she was thrown into the cold water. The girl popped her head up from the water and swam to the edge of the pool, "You're an asshole," She said, scowling at the laughing bass player.

Mila glanced over to the group and saw Tommy carefully rise from his seat, quietly walking towards Nikki. Tommy winked at the girl and Mila smiled as she caught on to the boy's plan. "Will you at least help me out?" She asked innocently. Nikki nodded his head, but as he bent down to reach for the girl's hand, Tommy rushed up behind him, pushing Nikki into the pool as well.

Mila laughed as Nikki thrashed back up to the surface. "You traitor!" He yelled at Tommy who was laughing uncontrollably. "Now we're even," Mila said to Sixx in a satisfied tone. "Hey, at least you were wearing a swimsuit," Nikki replied with a chuckle. He shook his head, causing water to fly everywhere.

Soon enough, Tommy and Vince were wrestling with each other, each one trying to throw the other in the pool. Mick watched with a laugh from his shaded seat underneath an umbrella. Mila felt Nikki wrap his arm around her waist, pulling her close to his chest. "You wanna have some fun tonight?" He asked in a mischievous tone. "What do you have in mind?" She asked with a smile and rested her arms on his shoulders. "You'll just have to wait and find out," Nikki replied before dunking them both under the water.

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