Chapter Five

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Mila knocked on Nikki's apartment door and took a step back as she waited for him to answer. She had chosen to wear some black leather lace up shorts, a Van Halen concert tee she had stolen, and as usual the only boots she owned. A few moments later, Nikki opened the door and smiled at her. "You ready?" Mila questioned. "Of course, lets go," He replied as he stepped outside and locked the door behind him.

Nikki led the way a few blocks down the strip before stopping outside a building with a neon sign labeled "The Viper Room". Mila had been to plenty of clubs and bars on the strip but had never been to this one before. "Interesting name," she commented as she followed Nikki through the doors, excited to see the place. Once inside, Mila realized the place had a band playing a cover of 'You Really Got Me' and plenty of people were crowded around the stage as well as the bar.

"What do you think so far?" Nikki asked over the music. "I think I need a drink!" Mila shouted back. Nikki chuckled and grabbed her hand, leading her over to the bar where he ordered four shots of JD. The guy brought the glasses over and Nikki slid two to Mila. "Let's see if you can keep up," He said with a smirk. They both downed their first shot. "If I can out drink Vince, keeping up with you will be easy," She said and threw back her second shot. Nikki took his second one as well and laughed. "That's what you think," He said in a mischievous tone.

Mila turned around and started to walk. "Hey where you goin?" Nikki shouted as he started to follow. "I wanna dance Sixx!" Mila called out with a laugh and made her way to the rest of the crowd in front of the stage. She turned around to face Nikki and smiled. Mila started moving with the rest of the crowd and sang out the lyrics of the song, "Giirlll you really got me now! You got me so I don't know what I'm doin!" She sang along with the band. Nikki laughed as he watched the girl enjoying herself.

Mila continued banging her head to the drums and tried to persuade Nikki into dancing instead of just watching her. She grabbed his hands and attempted to get him to join in, to which he refused with a shake of his head. "I usually just drink and watch at these places," He explained. Mila rolled her eyes in response. But a smirk soon appeared on her face when she heard a familiar tune start to be played.

As the intro to 'Hotter than Hell' began she bit down on her lower lip and smiled at Nikki, which earned her a wink back. She took a few steps back from him, running her hands through her hair and swaying her hips along to the beat. Nikki watched Mila intently as she danced. Once again, she was driving his thoughts crazy simply by just dancing. But after all, that was her plan. She knew it had gotten his attention last night and she liked the idea of teasing the boy.

Nikki crossed his arms over his chest. He knew his thoughts about Mila were starting to take over more than he intended when he felt the leather of his pants growing tighter against his skin. In his defense, this wasn't Mila's first rodeo. She knew exactly what to do to get a guy's attention and was an expert at landing free drinks from them as well.

As she continued dancing, it became apparent that she had caught another person's attention other than Nikki. She felt a hand on her arm and turned around to see a tatted and obviously very drunk man. "You look like you need a drink honey," the man stated. Mila could smell the whisky on his breath and attempted to take a step back. "No thanks I'm good," She responded.

This wasn't entirely unusual for the girl. She was used to random drunks trying to buy her drinks and convince her to go home with them, especially at clubs. But when Mila tried to take a step back, his grip on her arm tightened. "Come on baby, don't be like that," the drunk tried again. Mila felt the presence of someone else behind her. "I think you should let her arm go," Came Nikki's stern voice. The man released his grip on Mila and she turned around to face Nikki and get away from the creep when she heard him speak again. "Fuckin bitch." Mila's face heated up and she turned around abruptly to face him again. "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU JUST CALL ME?" She shouted angrily at him and he just laughed. "Chill the fuck out, plenty of-," The man didn't have a chance to finish before Mila swung a hard fist that connected right with his jawline, causing him to stumble back a few steps and drop his drink. Before anyone had time to process what had just happened, Nikki quickly wrapped his arms around Mila's waist, picking her up and heading for the exit before the girl started an all out brawl.

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