Chapter Four

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After finishing up at the diner, Mila and Vince went back to their apartment where Vince convinced Mila to go to Nikki's with him. They both had the day off so they stopped off at the liquor store for some drinks and then headed to Sixx's apartment.

He lived on the corner of Sunset and Clark pretty close to the Whiskey where Mila worked. Because of this, the street was always crawling with leather cloaked, music blasting delinquents, especially after shows at the local bars, it was awesome. Night time on The Strip was like stepping into Studio 54 on steroids.

When they got to the apartment, Nikki was outside on the steps smoking. Mila walked up the steps first with the bottle they had bought, Vince right behind her with the beer. When she got to the top, Nikki was staring at her with that usual smirk he had when he was about to make some smug remark towards her. "I knew you wouldn't be able to keep away long," came the predicted comment that made Mila roll her eyes. "I'm just here for the music Sixx," She replied as she screwed off the cap of the bottle and took a swig. Nikki sighed after taking a drag off his cigarette. "That's a damn shame cause I was looking forward to some fun," He said with a wink before putting his smoke out and looking at Vince who had been standing by, clearly uncomfortable witnessing the conversation between the two. "So are we gonna do this or what?" Vince asked, obviously ready to drink and see what Nikki had in store. The bassist laughed before leading the way in.

Waiting inside was Tommy Lee who recognized Vince and Mila immediately. "What's up guys?!" Tommy asked ecstatically as he rose from his seat on the couch to greet the two. Tommy had gone to the same high school as Mila and Vince did for a while before they got suspended for smoking weed in the parking lot during lunch. They had hung out with Tommy a few times and he was a pretty cool guy. He was always full of energy and ready to have a good time, which is probably what drew him to hangout with the rambunctious Mila and Vince.

"How you been Tommy?" Mila asked with a smile after hugging Tommy. "I've been great! I was jamming with a band 'Suite 19' for a while until I met Nikki and he started telling me about his new band. I'm gonna be the drummer, I'm so stoked dude we're gonna rock!" The tall lanky boy continued rambling on 100 mph to Vince about music and what they had been doing since they last saw each other.

Mila sat down on the couch and opened up a beer, content with listening. Nikki sat down next to her and lit up another cigarette. "He's crazy good. He's exactly the type of energy I want my band to have." Nikki explained as he blew out smoke. "He was in our high school marching band. Was a pretty good kid until he started hanging out with us," Mila replied, motioning towards Vince. "So you said Vince can sing, is he any good?" The boy questioned. "The best. His voice is more unique then anyone else out there and he knows how to put on a good show. I don't know why he's still jamming with his cover band. He could really go far. You should show him some lyrics so you can see for yourself," said Mila as she proceeded to take a couple gulps of the cold Budweiser.

Nikki seemed intrigued by the idea, so after winking at the girl next to him, he stood up and brought the idea up to Vince and Tommy. "Do you have a guitar player yet?" Vince questioned. "We have a guy coming by today that Nikki found in the paper. Our first guy sucked. He couldn't keep up with what we wanna play so hopefully this guy is better." Tommy replied with a shrug. As if the universe was listening, you could hear the sound of a car with it's music blaring pull up outside.

Nikki and Tommy went to the window and mischievous grins appeared on their faces. "Check out this guy..." Nikki chuckled. Tommy exited the apartment and came back a few minutes later helping a man carry in his huge amp. The dark haired and slightly older looking owner of the amp introduced himself as Mick Mars. He had a gruff look about him and was basically the exact opposite of Tommy's energy.

Nikki handed Vince some lyrics and then turned to Mick and started talking about the music to him. Vince walked over to the couch and sat next to Mila who glanced at the lyrics in his hands. The song was titled 'Live Wire' and the lyrics looked pretty cool. "I gotta say, it'd be great to see you in a real band instead of wasting your potential with Rock Candy," Mila commented. Vince shrugged in return. "The lyrics aren't bad and I know Tommy can play but that's no guarantee this is gonna work out. We don't even know if this Mick guy can play or not," The blonde said doubtfully. "Well you're about to find out. But I know with your voice, you belong in a real band." The girl encouraged. Vince rolled his eyes and laughed in response.

"Alright so you got it?" They heard Nikki ask Mick. "Let's just fucking play it," Mick grunted back. Sixx turned his attention to Vince who rose from the couch to join the other guys. "Let's give it a shot then," He said and picked up his bass. As soon as they started to play there was no doubt in anyone's mind that Mick was definitely the guitarist the band needed. The song started with a fast riff and it sounded amazing. Vince started singing the first part of the song and they sounded good, but it was a little off. Mila looked at Nikki who must've noticed the same thing because he motioned for the guys to stop playing. He pointed something out on the lyrics to Vince telling him which part of the chorus to stretch out and certain notes he really wanted him to hit full force. "Let's tune it all down a bit also," Mick suggested to Nikki and Tommy. As Nikki and Mick messed with the frets on their instruments, Mila spoke up. "Play it faster too!" She said with a satisfied smile and a sip of her beer. Nikki smirked at the girl, "Y'all heard her, faster it is."

They started the intro again and to say it sounded incredible would be a major understatement. The small tweaks was just what the song had needed. They were all getting really into it and by the time they were finished, Mila's mouth was wide open. "Holy shit." She spoke, completely beyond amazed at what she had just witnessed. The guys all laughed in response. "Well I think you all deserve a drink for that," Mila chuckled as she picked up the bottle of JD and set it on the table in front of her.

Within seconds, everyone was drinking and talking about the other songs and music Nikki had written. It was as if 'Live Wire' was all they needed to know that the four of them had really found something. Excited energy bounced off the walls from everyone except Mick who sat quietly drinking his beer, content with listening to everyone else. After a few minutes of music chatter, Mick announced that he had to leave but would be back tomorrow to discuss more about the band. As the man exited the apartment, Nikki sat down next to Mila.

"So gorgeous, I got a proposal," He announced. "Oh yeah? What is it?" Mila sighed and lit up a smoke. "I'm gonna take you out tonight. I know a club a few blocks down and I want you to go with me," Nikki said smoothly, as if there were no way Mila was gonna turn him down. "Vince and Tommy are gonna go to a strip joint later, so you might as well just say yes. I know how to show a girl a good time," Sixx continued, leaning in a bit closer to the girl. Mila thought it over for a minute. She didn't have any plans that night and she decided she would much rather go with Nikki and drink then watch strippers with other two guys.

"Sure, why not. But this doesn't mean I'm coming back here with you tonight," Mila said, taking a drag off her cigarette before facing Nikki. "That's what you think," He replied with a wink. Mila rolled her eyes and stood up. "Well if we're going out tonight then I'm going back to my place for a shower first," She said and walked towards the door. "Are you gonna let me come along with you to join in? Cause that would be great," Nikki spoke up from his seat on the couch. Mila turned around to look at the boy with a smirk. "Don't push it Sixx," she replied. As she turned to walk down the steps, she could hear Tommy and Vince laughing. Images of what might happen with Nikki tonight flashed through her mind. A night on The Strip with Nikki Sixx, this was definitely gonna be fun.

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