Chapter Two

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Mila got to work early enough to get a bite to eat and have a few drinks with the girls who were about to get off. She glanced at the clock and saw that Vince would now be off work and probably at his girlfriend's house. Using the landline behind the bar, Mila called the girl's house and she answered. "Hey Lovey, it's Mila, Vince there?" she questioned. "Yeah hang on," came the slightly annoyed reply.

A few moments later, she heard Vince's voice greeting her on the other line, asking why she had called. "I wanted to remind you and Lovey that y'all agreed to pick me up after my shift, I get off at midnight," Mila stated. "Yeah we'll be there," Vince replied, eager to get off the phone and back to getting fucked by his barbie look alike. "Okay and one more thing- does Lovey have any coke?" "What the fuck do you think?" said Vince with a laugh.

Vince was with Lovey for all of three reasons: he considered her a good fuck, she had a nice car, and the best cocaine on the Sunset Strip. At one point, they had briefly started shooting it up, but that came to a screeching halt when Mila found out and threatened to kick the shit out of the rich blonde bimbo if she ever helped Vince inject the shit again.

"Well tell her to bring an eight ball and I'll find somewhere for us to have a good time," said Mila. She wasn't fond of Lovey in any way, the girl was a bitch, but since her and Vince were dating she gave him free yayo which Vince would share with Mila. And getting a free eightball was a way better deal than paying for one (which Mila and Vince could never afford on their combined paychecks) so Mila buried her annoyance and hatred for the girl and in return was able to get high on someone else's dime.

"Sounds like a plan, see you at twelve," Vince replied and then hung up. Mila placed the phone back on the receiver and went to clock in where her coworker Jessie was waiting for her. "Dude, Mila," Jessie exclaimed as Mila removes her time card from it's holder on the wall and punched in. "Do you know who's playing tonight!?" Jessie asked, practically bouncing with excitement. "Another wanna be rock band?" Mila joked, not really interested in the topic at hand. "London! You've gotta check out their bass player, he's totally hot!" Jessie replied, ignoring the fact that her friend had absolutely no interest in who was playing at the bar that night.

"He's got this whole bad boy look and besides, you know what they say about rockers..." Mila raised her eyebrows in response to the girl. "They rock harder in bed than they do on stage." Jessie said with a devilish grin. "Oh honey, you and I both already knew that." Mila replied with a sly grin. Jessie laughed as she followed Mila towards the bar.

The two girls put on their short black aprons as they continued their conversation. "I'll tell you what though, it's gonna be a crazy ass crowd tonight. I saw them play last weekend and it was fucking crazy!" Jessie said, reminiscing on the concert as she pulled her hair up into a bun. "Well in that case we better get our asses behind that bar. Those drinks aren't gonna pour themselves." Jessie groaned loudly as Mila pulled her arm, basically forcing her to follow in the other girls steps.

At 10 p.m., approximately two hours into her shift, Mila heard the band that Jessie had been so stoked about introducing themselves. The singer had just finished telling the huge audience of wild haired teenagers and college dropouts the drummers name, when Mila heard something that caused her to pay closer attention to the band. "And on bass tonight, we have Mr. Nikki Sixx!" Mila had been so busy dealing with handsy drunken assholes, that she had completely spaced on the conversation she had had with the man on stage earlier that day. And only now was she able to put together that the bass player Jessie had been practically drooling over was the same dark haired cocky kid that had asked her to come to his show that night.

"That's him!" Jessie shouted at her from across the bar. Mila watched Nikki smile at all the girls (groupies as so many people would refer to them as) that had pushed their way up to the front of the stage. Jessie was right, between the crazy black hair, gorgeous smile, and ripped leather pants, Nikki Sixx was a girl's wet bad boy dream. She didn't have time to dwindle on the thought for too long though because some of the groupies from the crowd had poured over to the bar, demanding shots. So back to work Mila went for the next two hours, making various cocktails and drinks for the rambunctious crowd of customers.

She was able to steal a glance at the band every once and a while, paying more attention to Nikki banging his head to the song they were playing. At the end of her shift, Mila took a seat at the bar, lit up a square and counted her cash for the night. She had made a total of $264.47. Not a bad nights work. As she took another drag off her cigarette, she heard a familiar voice. "Hey there stranger," Nikki said as he took a seat next to the girl at the bar. "Why didn't you tell me you worked here when I invited you to the show?" Nikki asked with a laugh. "What can I say, I like to surprise people," Mila replied as the bass player held a bloody tissue up to his nose. Near the end of London's show, Nikki and the singer had gotten into an argument which progressed quickly into an all out brawl. This left the bass player a bloody nose and the singer a busted lip and black eye.

"That was quite the performance," Mila joked. "Yeah well the singer's an asshole," Sixx said after lighting up a smoke. "So gorgeous, what are your plans tonight?" He asked, flashing the girl a smile and leaning in. Normally, comments like this wouldn't phase Mila. After all, she was a very pretty girl, so plenty of guys tried their pick up lines on her every night. But when Nikki got his flirt on with her, excitement filled her chest.

"My roommate and I were actually looking for somewhere to let loose tonight, know a place?" asked Mila, turning in her chair to face the rocker. "I just might," he replied taking another drag off his cigarette. It was then that Mila saw a pair of blondes enter the bar. The bouncer recognized Vince as Mila's friend and let him and Lovey in, even though it was after hours. Mila waved them over to where her and Nikki were seated.

"This your boyfriend?" Sixx whispered in her ear, causing goosebumps to travel up Mila's neck. "Yeah no, not in the slightest." Mila introduced Vince and Lovey to Nikki. The boys seemed to hit it off on the spot, but Lovey stayed quiet, shooting judgmental looks towards Nikki. "So Mila, what's the plan?" The girl turned toward the dark haired boy next to her expectantly. "Let's go kick it at my place," He suggested. "You got booze?" Vince questioned with a mischievous half smile. "Yeah of course man!" Nikki replied happily. "Then let's do it, but Mila, think we could get a round first?" Mila chuckled and walked around the bar, pouring four shots of vodka. They all threw back their liquor, Nikki winking at Mila as he put his glass down.

After waiting for the bartender to punch out, they all piled into Lovey's red sports car and headed to Nikki's. They made it to the apartment in under five minutes and entered the dirty living room. Mila and Vince didn't mind the mess at all, their apartment looked the exact same. But Lovey instantly started up her judgmental stares again as she carefully placed herself on the couch.

Nikki walked into the kitchen and came back with two cases of Budweiser and half a bottle of whiskey. Vince sat next to Lovey, draping an arm across her as she pulled a baggie of white powder out of her bra. The group wasted no time, so before you knew it, AC/DC was blaring out of Nikki's stolen boom box, white lines littered the table and everyone was chugging alcohol. After coming back up from a line, Mila could feel the adrenaline coursing through her veins. She smiled to herself as she danced to the music and took a drink of her beer.

At first, she didn't notice the pair of green eyes that were plastered to her body, enjoying every moment of their view. Nikki bent down for a line before sitting back in his chair and fixing his eyes on the girl once again. He began biting his bottom lip relentlessly, the buzz of the drugs and alcohol making him want to grab the girl he had been watching dance and take her straight to his bedroom. He let his thoughts roam free, and visualized ripping off the girl's tank top and leather pants that fit her ass oh so good. Thoughts of letting his hands roam free all over her body and trailing his lips down her skin. Nikki was so caught up in his own dirty thoughts that he almost failed to realize Mila was now matching his gaze.

She knew exactly what she was doing based off how Sixx was staring at her and she would be lying to herself if she said she wasn't getting a kick out of teasing Nikki. With her high fueling her confidence, she walked over to Nikki and bent down next to his ear. "You just gonna keep watching me all night? Or are you gonna do something about it?" Mila asked in a low tone as she moved her back slightly to see his eyes.

"I'm just trying to decide what I want to do to you first, cause believe me I've got a few ideas in mind..." Nikki answered with a devilish smile. "Come on bad boy, thought you said you could rock my world?" Mila continued with a smirk. So without wasting a beat, Nikki picked the girl up, carrying her off to his room as Mila wrapped her legs around his waste with a smile. Vince pulled back from Lovey whom he had been making out with, "Don't forget to use protection you crazy kids!" Nikki slammed the door behind them and dropped Mila on the bed. "Damn I've been waiting for this all night."

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