Chapter 1

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A/N: Hey, my dudes, welcome to the first chapter. I always looked up to those authors who've got something to say at the beginning of every chapter so here I am, but I've got no idea what to say. I hate green skittles. The song up there? would recommend, Broken by Anson Seabra, it's pretty good. I might put together a playlist for this thing if I feel like it. Alright, without further ado, the first chapter.

Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified, that's what Logan had. That was the monster that loomed over his every thought. He wanted to be thin, even though everyone constantly called him 'too thin' or 'stick' he didn't feel like that, like it didn't register or something, not yet, but one day it would, he was sure. The boy had always been thin, but not thin enough. He always seemed happy and bubbly, he was a creative kid, but his thoughts got in the way, the panic attacks, the eating disorder, the depression, they consumed him. He eventually learned to put up a front so that everyone else could enjoy the happy Logan, laughing and making jokes along with his friends, even if he wasn't exactly that; he was partially, he knew that part of him existed somewhere, he just couldn't find it, couldn't conjure it up. It worked though, nobody thought he was sad, nobody knew his past, just knew he was adopted, they didn't know he remembered a time before his dads, they didn't know he obsessed over numbers and calculated every calorie and word and movement, they didn't have to know, though. They were happier in the dark, even if they didn't know they were.

Logan took in a shaky breath, looking at his friends. Ivy, and the twins Ty and Sy. They were his best friends. Ivy was pretty, red hair a bit darker red than Logan's, green eyes, and she was a bit taller than Logan as she stood at 5'8 and he was 5'6, but it didn't bother him all that much. She was funny, sweet, and she liked photography probably as much as Logan liked painting. Tyler and Syrus looked alike, but they were nothing like eachother, although they were best friends with eachother....most of the time. Syrus was funny, the class clown, he was bouncy and explorative, a daredevil. Tyler was analytical, nerdy, he enjoyed checklists and homework assignments, they were to the point, but he didn't enjoy social situations, people were complicated, and he wasn't all that charismatic, he was destined to be a mad scientist, Logan thought.

"Syrus, you can't just go...kanoodling with girls at social functions like this." Tyler said, using his hands to emphasize his point as he often did when he was on edge about something.

"Well how was I supposed to know she had a girlfriend?" He defended, crossing his arms.

"You didn't even ask her if she was single!" Tyler said crossly, sighing in annoyance.

"When you're at a party making out with a girl you usually assume, Tyler."

"How do you even get with a girl who has a girlfriend?" Ivy asked, dipping her french fry in ketchup before popping it into her mouth.

"She was like, bi, or pan, or something I think. She didn't mention she had a girlfriend or maybe I would have stopped it off before it got too far." He said, giving Tyler a pointed look.

"Wait wait, how far did you even go with this girl?" Ivy asked. Logan was fiddling with his salad, his fries off to the side.

"Uh...she may have given me a-" Tyler's eyes widened.

"No, Syrus James Scott, you did not!" Tyler said.

"Hey, it was just a hand job, okay? it's not like it meant anything."

"I feel bad for her girlfriend." Logan spoke up and Ivy nodded.

"Poor girl." Ivy agreed, dipping another fry into her ketchup.

"So then I've got this angry girlfriend calling me up, telling me that she knows Alexis is cheating and I was like 'Sorry, who's this?' and she just went, super dramatically might I add, 'Rebecka, Her girlfriend.' and I was shook, I'm telling you, she was mad." Ivy laughed at Sy's story, finishing her last fry.

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