Chapter 25

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A/N: I feel like people are either going to love this or hate this one. But anyways, I'd like to announce that we recently hit 50k reads and that's fucking awesome, thank you so much to everyone following me and reading and voting, and the few that have done fan art, that's really amazing and I love you guys to death. Also, I chose Almost by Hozier because I think it's a really pretty song and it's one of my favorites, so have it. Enjoy the chapter!

quick note because somebody asked about the fanart: CLewisWheeler has done some amazing fanart for the book, so go check out his page and art in the 'fan art' book, and go follow him or leave him a nice comment or something because he's cool.

Logan sat on his bed with his cat, working on his sketch for the contest in a week. He was waiting for Sy to come pick him up so they could hang out. He'd put on his usual long sleeved shirt under a large sweater with his jeans and sneakers. He was still working on the design but he felt like he was getting close to finishing it and he knew he'd have it done in time for the contest. He wondered who'd go and see it, if he even wanted anyone seeing it. Will they be able to know there's something wrong with me when they look at it? Are they going to ask what it means? He took a breath and tried not to think about that. He didn't want to censor his work just because someone might ask about it.

He closed his sketchbook with a soft sigh and adjusted his sweater as he stood to his feet. The nail polish had come off after the first week of Christmas break, but he kind of missed it, he liked remembering that night. Usually, having a flashback would ruined his entire day, but Oliver had a way of making him forget he was supposed to be sad. He smiled a little, playing with his sleeves as he looked in the mirror. He knew he shouldn't be thinking about Oliver, but he was allowed to think about his friends even when he was with Sy, right? Oliver was just a friend whichever way he looked at it. They'd never dated and he didn't think Oliver would want to date him, he had too many problems and Oliver already seemed to have a lot on his plate, even if he did think Logan was attractive.

When the doorbell rang, he walked down to the door, a small smile on his face. His dads were both out on a date, but Matthew had told him to have fun on his date and that he was trusting Logan to get home by 9 even though they wouldn't be home then. It was only 6, so they'd have a few hours to do whatever on their date. He wasn't sure where Sy planned to go, but he'd said he had something planned.

He smiled a little when he saw his boyfriend standing at the door, leaning against the doorframe with a little grin. Sy was dressed in a light gray hoodie, black bomber jacket, and ripped jeans.

"Hey, cutie." Sy said and Logan giggled quietly, walking out and closing the door behind him, looking up at Syrus.

"Hey." Logan said, taking Sy's hand as they walked out to his car.

"I like your sweater." Sy said and Logan looked down at the yellow sweater, shrugging a little.

"It's my favorite." He said and Sy smiled, poking his nose.

"Come on, I wanna get there before it's dark."

"Where are we going?"

"You'll see. I have a feeling you'll love it." Sy said with a little grin, turning on the radio, flipping over to the pop station.

"You like pop?" Logan asked.

"Yeah, doesn't everyone?"

"No.." Logan said with a little smile and Sy looked at him.

"How do you not like pop?"

"It's too mainstream, I guess."

"What's wrong with mainstream?"

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