3} stop acting like a virgin~1

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"Oh darling. Go buy a brain."



I was running late, unlike most people, I didn't really give a shit. I had my Optional class 1st up and I slept all the way through into recess and I've now got English.

I arrive in the class about 10 minutes into the lesson and the teacher calls me out.

"Samantha, your reason please?" She prompts me like she knew I already had an excuse waiting for her.

Which I did.

"Well you see Miss, when I was going to get a drink out the back of school during Recess, I saw this poor dog limping, so I did what any good citizen would do- I rushed it to the vet. Drenched in sweat, limbs that ached, asthma problems and before you know it, I was already 10 minutes late into the lesson." I lie straight through my teeth.

Some people in the class shake their heads, roll their eyes or laugh quietly at my story and how stupid it was.

She saw right through me and smiles, "Lovely story Samantha, why don't you use that imagination of yours and put it to good use for your assignment?" She questions amused.

"Thank you and I was planning on it." I tell her, heading towards the back where Sebastian was, a small smile displayed on his lips but it quickly vanishes when I sit down.

"Speaking of the assignment, it's due at the end of this week. You can either email it to me or hand it in, it's up to you."

Sebastian started to grow restless, I could tell he wanted to say something.

"Got something to say?" I suggest, raising a brow up.

"No, it's nothing." he utters.


"I was going..." he began out of the blue, his voice a little high. I knot my brows together at his sudden outburst, he hesitates to continue.

"What?" I edge him on further to speak.

He looks away fiddling with his fingers "Um, maybe we should do the assignment together?...like, I-I don't know, if you want. Um, we don't have to. I jus-" he stumbles.

"Shut up." I interject, fussed by his nervousness. He shuts his mouth in defeat, "Talk to me when you can form a sentence." I announce, holding my hand to my cheek.

I was surprised at the fact that he actually suggested that we work together. He was starting to speak up and voice his opinions more and more and not be so pathetic- don't get me wrong he's still a loser and all and has no say to voice his thoughts. I'm just shocked he did.

"Sorry." he mumbles.

"We will do it at your place after school." I say aloud, ignoring his apology.

He slightly perks up. "Okay." I could see he wasn't thrilled at the idea of me being at his house, I didn't care myself, but he kept his mouth shut.

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