22} another banger

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"And in the middle of my chaos, there was you."



"Sam, you look hot." Riley whispers into my ear, slurring her words slightly.

I glance at her hazed over eyes and could already tell she was getting drunker by the minute. I laugh quietly at this and give her the look. "I could say the same about you."

She gasps and pushes me. I bellow out at this. "Did you just give me the look?" She gushed, her mouth open wide it could catch flies.

I shrugged pursing my lips together, "I don't know, Riley. Did I?" I tease questioningly, which she only leans back and laughs to.

"I would soooo go gay for you." She drawls out and I hoot out another laugh from her sentence.

"Guess I have to grow my hair out and die it blonde." Tom vocalizes, watching Riley intensely.

I could already feel the sexual tension.

Riley plays along and crosses her arms, "Guess you do." She retaliates back, earning Tom to raise his eyebrows.

Eric shuffles on the sofa and slumps back, "Sam, stop stealing all the genders." He exasperates, hands up in the air.

I look at him perplexed but shrug nonetheless at his words and lay back into the sofa with a small smirk. "I'm sorry I'm too ridiculously attractive for my own good." I brush off, feigning arrogance.

"Okay, no need to get cocky." Nathan speaks up with a raised eyebrow.

Riley blows out from her lips, making some weird noise. "She's not cocky, it's just facts." She spits out at Nathan.

"She's right," Tom interferes, "Sam's hot, we all know this." He explains aloud to the group. But I didn't miss the subtle glance towards Riley and her now pouted face. "Why you sulking, Ri Ri?" He asks, his voice mocking but somehow still held that smoothness.

She just looks straight forward and ignores Toms question. "Cause I need to pee." She sulks, making me laugh at this. She gets up from the sofa and makes her way down the hall way, but not before Tom calmly gets up and follows her.

"Oi, get back here-"

"They need to fuck already or just date." Nathan states as his eyes travel the 2.

"I thought he was gay." Eric thought aloud bluntly.

I roll my eyes at this. "Eric, that was clearly a joke." I explain.

Eric doesn't say anything as he just observes me, than gives Nathan a quick look and huffs out. "Why do you guys always fuck around with me?" He hollows.

Nathan and I both chortle. "Cause you lack common sense to the point were you should go and see someone for it." I inform him, not sugar coating it whatsoever.

Nathan nods his head in approval, "Now what Sam just said, was an actual fact." He points out.

Eric scoffs, "Shut up, lava rocks."

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