3} stop acting like a virgin~2

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{Wed, after school}

"If another can easily anger you, it is because you are off balance with yourself."



The day was over, and now, I was going over to Sebastian's place.

We both met up after school out the front. I carried my skateboard instead of riding it, for obvious reasons- those reasons being the pipsqueak can't skate. He walks to school.

We reached his house in silence, mostly because he was too scared to talk to me, which I don't blame him for. But my mind was occupied with his parents. I hadn't seen them in along time and they knew about Sebastian and I "falling out". I was slightly nervous to see what their reaction would be that an old... Ex best friend was doing in their sons house.

We came to a haunted as Sebastian fished his keys out from his pocket and unlocked the door.

We both walked in only to be greeted with laughter, which knotted my stomach slightly. I followed in Sebastian's footsteps, right behind him. He ambled on into the kitchen and greeted both his parents. Sobering up they greeted him back with dazzling smiles.

This takes me back.

Alright Sam, time to put on the goody girl act. I stepped out to the side of Sebastian and gave them my biggest smile, but once I really saw them, my smile turned genuine.

"Mom, dad, Sam's-"

"Oh! Oh my goodness, Sam!" His mom, Teresa gushed, cutting Sebastian off.

I actually smile even more at that. Curse this woman's authenticity. "Afternoon Mrs and Mr. White." I spoke up politely, acknowledging the both of them.

"Don't be so formal Sammy. Just Craig and Teresa is fine." Craig, Sebastian's dad, replies back.

I find myself chuckle at the nostalgic nickname and nod in response.

"So what brings you here, deary?" Teresa asks giddily.

I could feel Sebastian's stare burning into the side of my face, I didn't know what he was thinking but I ignored it and answered her question.

"Sebastian and I have an English assignment we're working on together." I told, still holding onto the sickeningly sweet smile.

She and Craig share a knowingly glance. "Oh, well don't waste anymore time talking to us." She shooed towards the both of us.

"Okay, thanks mom." Sebastian said walking towards his room.

I waved them off and followed behind him.

"Don't do anything innapropriate now." Craig calls out making me roll my eyes.

His room was still neat like back then. 1 orange wall and the rest white, his bed sheets were also orange, but then he had black and white pillows to soften the bright colour down.

"Just like back then." I whispered to myself.

Luckily he didn't hear because he whizzed around and sat down on the floor opening up his bag and getting his school shit out.

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