6} no fucking way...

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{Monday, week 3}

"What ever you do, never run back to what broke you."

~Frank Ocean


"It's decided the seats are permanent for the rest of the year. Sorry everyone, not my decision, it's the schedule I've been given." Ms Holly explains light heartedly.

You're fucking kidding. I am not sitting next to this weakling for the rest of English this year. A month? Yeah, I could handle that, I'd tease him, provoke him, insult him, and I'd be happy days. But a whole year? That was too much.

I slumped back in my chair and huffed out in annoyance. I could see Sebastian wasn't too over loaded with happiness either. I don't blame him. He was next to someone who hated his guts and for that tormented the shit out of him.

I laughed quietly at my thoughts to myself.


I sat at the table where we usually all place ourselves in the cafeteria. Listening to Nathan insult Eric's blonde locks and referring them back to any stereotypical Disney princess.

Finding it amusing I thought of something, "What are you trying to say, Nathan?" I questioned cocking my head a little to 1 side.

He glanced over to me and dropped his head, "What do you mean, Sam?" He mimicked.

I raised both eyebrows, "Do you watch Disney movies?" I asked, earning a few chuckles at the table.

"I'm sure he does." Eric pipes in.

"And so what if I do?" He replied, ignoring Eric's words and I tried to bite back my smile.

"Nothing, nothing at all." I defend myself, shrugging and biting into my sandwich. The short silence was just begging me to continue with my teasing. So I did. "Only that you're a sissy if you do." I ended with a huge smug grin on my face.

He playfully glared back at me while everyone on the table laughed. He opened his mouth to say something back, but the bell cut him off.

We all got up and made our way to the change rooms for Gym. It was track and field today and I was happy we were doing something else other than rope climbing.

We reach the tracks on the grass and wait for Coach to start speaking. She turned around and stopped her chatter with someone and strode over towards us.

"You know the drill. Get going!" She calls out.

We all get into 10 lines warming ourselves up, apart from me because I didn't give a shit. She stood 3 meter away from the track and once everyone was ready she blew her whistle.

They all bolted off and reached the end in seconds, they were fast but I was faster. Being 2nd in line I moved forward a step until I was right behind the painted white concrete.

"Ready, set, go!" She blew into her whistle hard and that made my body obey immediately and pounce from my beginning position.

After a few seconds I was already 1st, smiling I eased my way almost reaching the finish line. But before I could, someone passed me and finished before I did. Crossing the finish line I come to a halt and let out a big breath of air. Hunching over I snap my head up to see who it was.

No fucking way...

Sebastian beat me? You have got to shitting me right now. Without hesitation I jogged my way back, an overwhelming sense of anger rushing through my legs as I did. I was passing by Coach when she nodded her head, gave me a small smile and a pat on the back.

"You did good." She said.

I fought the urge to roll my eyes, "I got 2nd, that isn't good." I grumbled.

She gave me her whole attention now, "Out of 10 others- I think that's bloody good if you ask me." She stated.

I just scoffed and walked off before I could blow up. She didn't do anything wrong, it was just me. "But he fucking beat me." I uttered irritated.

While I was 1/2 way across the field Coach called out to me, "Wolf, where are you going?!" She exclaimed.

"Change rooms." I called back, my eyes never leaving my destination in front of me.

Fuck this. I barged into the change rooms and ripped off all my clothes, apart from my undergarments. Opening my locker, I rummage through, trying to find my army shirt and black jeans. Finding them at the back I snatch them out from the locker and shrug them on angrily. I could just ditch, right now. But, before I could go through with my thoughts and put them into action, there was a knock at the change room doors.

"Sam? It's Nathan, what's up?" He asked, his voice calm but it didn't hide the concern in it.

I quickly slipped on my Vans and made my way to the door. Pushing it wide open I looked to my side to see Nathan leaning on a wall. His ears perked up at the sound of the door opening as he pushed himself off the brick layered building and gazed down at me.

"Why'd you storm off?"

Clenching my fists I felt angry all over again when the memory came back of Sebastian beating me in the race. "It's the fucking pipsqueak." I spat.

He processes something before speaking, "Yeah, I saw that." He acknowledged after awhile, "But you know he's 1 of the best in Brookwood High right? You have your strengths and he's got his." He explained casually.

That's just it- Sebastian isn't strong so how could he have a strength in the 1st place?

I peered up at him, "It's the thought of him beating me at something that got me mad." I confessed and he nodded, understanding.

"That's 1 thing he beat you at, out of...how many other things?" He rhetorically asked. I huffed a laugh out and felt a little more lighter than before. Nathan was always by my side when I needed someone the most, even if he knew I was wrong he would always manage to stay beside me. Always there to cheer me up or cool me down whenever my anger would reach its surface. That's what I liked about him the most.

I hummed, "I guess." I say. "Still pisses me off."

"Don't work yourself up over a 'pipsqueak'." He air quoted. Which made me shake my head and roll my eyes. "Seriously, you need a new pet name for the guy."

"Pet name?" I laughed at his comment and shoved him in the arm as we both walked to our next class.


I know it was short and kinda shitty I apologise.

See ya- Flames Xx

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