30} with weakness comes strength

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"You were you, and I was I; we were two, before our time.
I was yours, before I knew; and you have always been mine too."

~Lang Leav


A whole week went by, and out of all the timings, Sebastian's punishment for what he did to Trent and his goons was put in place. A 4 day suspension, Monday to Thursday, and after school detention everyday of the week next week. I was just happy he finally was allowed back in school.

I felt like a love struck fool. This wasn't me, I didn't know being in love with someone could make a cold hearted person feel almost giddy.

I told all of my friends about what happened between Sebastian and I. Riley was obviously 1st.

I called her up on Sunday, her being totally free and not having any singing lessons, and asked her to come over. I told her everything apart from Sebastian's dark side, she practically sucked me dry and forced me to give her the details. I thought I'd feel weird about telling her how Sebastian and I happened, but I didn't. It was nice, I felt closer to her, more open. She was weirded out by his bold actions, which was Black, but I knew I didn't have the right to tell her his secret.

I smiled to myself and let out a low laugh. Just thinking back, if I knew about this side to him at the beginning of this year, who knows what I would have done with the information. If he hadn't told me and I saw him lash out on someone before knowing everything, it would have gave me more of a reason to torment him. I frowned at this, finding my malicious and anger filled intent to be shameful.

I needed a way I could tell him I would never do something like that to him, or anyone, again.

I glance up from the chopping board and the dough I had been kneading while my mind wandered off. Looking to my side, I saw Eric and Tom, concentrating on trying out different experiments of flavouring the dough. I smiled at the easy silence of us absorbed into the lesson for once.

Peering over at Sebastian's counter, the giddy feeling comes back, but instead of being annoyed at the sensation, I let it spread.

My mind wandered of to that night, the night where our vulnerabilities were at its peek and we striped ourselves bare of our insecurities. All my guards fell when I was around him, I hardly had any control over it, but it felt freeing and I trusted him whole heartedly.

Yet, I didn't know what we were. We're we dating? Ugh, shut up Sam, you're sounding pathetically insecure again.

"You thinking about lover boy?" A voice to the side of me asks.

I snap my head at an ear splitting Eric, rolling my eyes at his words, I fight back a smile. "You know, this salt would look really good in your eyes right about now." I say with a thoughtful expression.

Tom just chortled aloud and faced the both of us now. Eric just gawked at me, "I know not to bring lover boy up again." He mumbles. But something told me he was still mocking me.

"She'll put your head in the oven if you don't stop." Tom states bluntly.

I give Eric my most malicious glance and he shivers. "I don't doubt it."

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