19} it was electrifying

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"You've always had the power my dear, you just had to learn it for yourself."

~The Wizard of Oz


My eyes were glued to the blood bath before me.

This guy doesn't fuck around.

Sebastian just completely went hitman ninja homicide on these guys. I mean, I don't really care that much for their well being, because he did what I would have done...just not as much damage. But after his work was finished, he just waltzed on out of Brookwood High.

Now I undeniably knew what he meant by the darkness that was inside of him. He really wasn't lying about it being out of his control. This was more than I was expecting and I didn't realize how dangerous it could really get.

My eyes peeled away from the scene and my legs thought to move on their own accord. Leaving my just as shocked friends behind, I made my way to where he had just left. I'm saying 'he' because that wasn't Sebastian, and I'm sure everyone else could agree with me on that note. Not that they would know who actually did that.

Nearing the end of the hall, I ran towards the glass doors and push the left side open. I scanned the parking lot, streets and the track & field, which was where I spotted him, near the bleaches.

In no time my legs carried me to where he stood. He must have heard me as he stopped inspecting his hand and glanced my way. His face held an impassive expression, not giving away he just beat up 3 guys and walked off.

When I reached him, my brows instantly furrowed and my expressions were all muddled together. I couldn't help but feel impressed but also extremely concerned. So my face settled with a 1/2 open mouthed smile and knitted brows with a flushed face. Fully exposed.

Once he recognizes me and my reaction, a smug smile plasters on his lips, "Look who it is." He announces, dropping his hand he was inspecting a few moments ago.

Even though my brain was so messed up right now with what just happened, I still managed to hit him back with what I would normally say in my normal state of mind. "I could say the exact same." I reply, heaving out my words from the running. I inspect his state and go straight into the interrogation, "What the fuck just happened?" I breathed out in question.

Something seemed to switch inside of him. Like the playful dark Sebastian went out the window and a livid 1 replaced him. He curled his already damaged hands into fists. "They managed to hit a nerve." He begins, his tone an octave lower, making my heart skip a beat. "Spouting all of this shit about my friends and I-" He didn't finish his sentence because he suddenly started dangerously shaking, his fists abnormally turning a shade of pink and white, which alerted me.

Observing him I was stumped on what to do...until something hit me. I knew what this was.

It was anger.

Rage and madness that took control of your body and your mind. I knew it all too well.

I was seeing it from an outsiders point of view: what I looked like when I was in this ball of mess and it was...unnerving. Not only was he shaking but his face turned bright red, his breathing became insanely rapid and uncontrolled.

"Fucking-" He seethed out, his hands briskly outstretched to the legs of the bleachers, choking hold of it.

I panicked, I didn't know what to do, looking at his state right now, I hated it. It was suffocating watching him. "Sebastian." I call out, my voice firm but held trepidation.

He revealed a strangled groan. "Waste of fucking space!" He slammed his fist into the pole, his breaths shallow but rapid.

A scenario quickly flickered in my head.

"Who the fuck-" I slam my fist into the bleachers with my other hand, wow that felt good. Haven't done that in a while. "do you think you are?!"

It was like I was re-watching myself.

His hands go up in his disheveled hair and something in my throat involuntarily inched upwards. "Sebastian," I blurt out, mindset frazzled. "Calm down, it's okay, you're okay." His breathing is still all over the place, heightening my anxiousness. "God fucking dammit." I say to myself, reaching my hands to grab his face to force him to look me in my eyes. His orbs shot up to mine, blood shot red with rage. "Look at me and focus on your breathing-" His breath hitched but his eyes never averted mine, they were stilled, interlocked with mine.

I scattered my eyes all over his face and his breathing became even worse. "Sam," He choked out and a solemn feeling drowned my chest. "get away before I hurt you." He gritted out.

My brows creased, confusion and frustration clouding my over working mind. His eyes downcast as he held my place, still panting and trying to clutch onto any air that would stop the panic.

And without a 2nd thought my mind forced my head to move, fast.

I pressed his lips roughly to mine and his breath halted, eyes drawing back at the action and in an instant they shut tightly.

We've kissed before but this was different. It was, electrifying.

Almost as if sparks flew in every direction possible and ignited more of an electric frenzy around the 2 of us.

Snapping out of it and realizing what I was doing, I reluctantly unlocked our lips, my mouth tingling from the lack of contact. Once my hands dropped from his face, we stood there, staring back at each other.

"You just-?" He croaked out.

I sighed faintly out in relief, knowing, somehow, Sebastian was back and the dark side left, for now. Bringing myself back to my senses, I suddenly had an idea pop into my head, more like a reason on why I kissed him.

"A change of emotion that's calmer, will calm down the other side, won't it?" I query, already feeling stable enough to talk. "That's what I just did." I told him, all the words running out smoothly.

He nods, slightly dazed and stunned. "Thanks." Was all that came out of his mouth.

After a few beats, he straightens himself up a little and thinks off to the side, than peers back at me. "I need to learn how to control myself," He begins, making me listen intently on where he was going with this. "No one's been able to control me before, not when I snap anyway...but you did." He says, the last bit was almost admiration.

I couldn't help it and before I could stop it, a small smile grazed upon my lips at his words.

Little did I know that we would secretly be side by side with 1 another from then on. I kept him in tact and he appreciated me for that. The ego was good for me, and me keeping him in control was good for him. It was a win win situation.

I guess, if I were being really honest with myself, we're both strong, but weak when it comes to each other. Which was a scary theory to think about, because he's always been the weak 1 and I was always the strong 1.

I've never had doubts about my theory before.


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