24} she's a bully, my bully

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"If I treated you, the way you treated me. You would hate me."



"Sorry you had to deal with Black yesterday." I slip in mid conversation.

Sam and I were currently in English, doing our daily conversation and getting 1/2 our work done. I know what I just said was slightly risky, but I think Sam wouldn't go down the whole 'deep cut on my forehead' path. She wasn't the type to get involved in business she knew she shouldn't step on. If you were on her good side.

She shrugs her shoulders and slumps back into the chair, "I'm starting to get used to it by now." She heaves out.

My face contorts into a peculiar expression and I try and hide my smile. "The stench of evil, really?" I ask her playfully. I was starting to be more myself around her and I liked it. I liked that we were okay again. Even if I couldn't 100% remember what happened at that party, I just knew that we were okay.

A smile slowly spreads itself on her lips and I couldn't help but stare. "Quiet, he can hear you." She plays along.

I pull a twisted face but I knew she could see the amusement in my eyes. "What a creep." I whisper back, only making us both laugh aloud.

She nods her head and the laughter dies down, "Yes, you are." She states. My face drops for a second before I knew she was joking and she's not that observant to know I was staring at her lips.

So I pull my face into a hurtful expression, "That was mean." I sulk innocently.

She just laughs at this. "I am mean." She presents to me.

A frown etched onto my face, "No you're not," This instantly captures her attention and she's quiet now. A small smile comes through but she can see the maliciousness behind it and she doesn't seem subtle anymore, "you're Sam."

Her brows knot together. Like her guard was let down and I was afraid I stepped over a line I shouldn't have. But all was good again when she tilts her head mockingly. "You know when I called you a comedian it was an insult, right?" She recalls, referring back to another conversation we had in English.

I grin at her and she's holding back the urge to do the same, I can tell because whenever she does that the corner of her mouth twitches. "You're not mean, Sam." I tell her again, only this time I mean it.

She breaths out, "Yes I know, I'm Sam-"

"You're only mean to those people who don't concern you," I blurt out, surprising myself and by the looks of it, her as well. "or, if you've been hurt." I add on. When did all this observation and therapy mode come from?

She bites the inside of her cheek, a sign that she's holding back her tongue. "Correction, I'm mean when I want to be." I'm glad she didn't dig deep into that. I need to back off, I'm getting too comfortable with her and I don't want her to feel picked on.

I chuckle lowly, a little relieved. "Most of the school thinks that's hot." I tell her truthfully...but I didn't mean for it to come out like that. What is wrong with me today?

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