12} pouring gasoline into a fire

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"Feel what you need to feel and than let it go. Do not let it consume you."



It didn't take a genius to know your best friend is pissed off with you. Riley scolded me yesterday in Citizenship, right after lunch, about my hand.

Riley talked and acted normal with me and everyone else. But I could tell she wasn't being her usual self and I knew why. Okay, so maybe punching a wall because I was livid wasn't the best idea in the world. But it happened and I can't change that. So why is she still mad?

Flooding my head with thoughts, I didn't realize a distant voice calling my name.


Distracted I turn around, "What?"

"I think that's enough sugar." Is all Tom said.

Widening my eyes a fraction I glance down at the bowl, mentally slapping myself in the face while I quickly placed the sugar down. I cursed under my breath.

"My bad, I'll fix it, don't worry." I say all in 1 go.

Pushing the sugar to the side I reach over and hold the handle to 1 of the cups. Scooping some of the content out of the bowl, it was on top so it didn't touch any other ingredients, I than put it back into the sugar bag. I could feel Toms scrutinizing stare on me and it made me feel bothered, like he could tell why I was doing all of this so frantically. Which I hadn't mean to.

"Riley isn't mad with you." He vocalized out of the blue, making me stop what I was doing.

Turning to him, a million questions flooded my head. "How do you-? Never mind, dumb question." I interject myself as I shake my head. Breathing in I draw my brows together and place my palms flat against the counter. "It doesn't look that way to me." I throw my head back a little and release my hands from the hard surface, circle around and now lean on it with my lower back.

He observes me, not giving away anything as usual. "She's not. Just trust me." He case closed.

I watched him and racked my brains for how he would even know. Of course, no doubt, Riley told him something, but couldn't he just come out with it?

"Guys! Why the hell are the cupcakes not in the oven?" Eric cries out dramatically.

I snapped my head in Eric's direction. "I made a mistake, but it's fine now."

"Calm down, Diva." Tom comments, traces of an amused smile coating his face. Here we go again. I block it out and focus on putting all the other ingredients in the batter.

In the midst of mixing the ingredients together, I hear the teacher call out to Sebastian to go to the nurses office. Interested I perk up, still stirring, only to find Sebastian hurry out of the classroom like it held a stench.

Weird. Unconsciously my legs moved on their own, dropping the spoon against the bowl, I sneakily exit out the classroom. The other 2 didn't notice as they were still bickering and Mr Henderson was too occupied on marking papers.

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