9} yeah me, no one else

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"Underestimate me. That'll be fun."



"How have you not heard?" I asked in disbelief to Tom and he just shrugs.

"Don't listen to chatter that goes around this school." He states bluntly which I agreed to.

"Are you going though?" Eric questions.

"If you guys are." He dismisses.

"It's a party. We're going." I stated in a duh tone.

"Sweeet." Eric sings. "We're all going together, yeah?" He questions laying back in his chair.

I nodded, "We'll discuss whose place after Home Ec." I say.

They both nodded in agreement and I smiled at how easy it was making plans with the boys and Riley. Well, sometimes with Riley, it can be hard getting her to parties because of her both very tight ass Aunty and Uncle. They're a nightmare, I don't know how she stands them let alone lives with them.

The bell rang and we all sauntered our way towards the cafeteria. Got our food, sat down, waited for Nathan and Riley, talked about the party and whose place we would meet at- which was discussed to be Nathan's house- and just like that Recess was gone and another class was lined up.

English with a certain someone. A certain someone I was not looking forward to seeing.

After my outburst in the Gym on Tuesday, the rest of the day's up to now consisted of Sebastian being quieter than usual and me not bothering with him. Unless he made a subtle wrong move or I happened to be in a bad mood that day or even at that time.

I entered the English block and moseyed on over to the wooden red door. Barging in I made no eye contact with anyone, as always, and made my way to my seat, slumping down into it and crossing my arms.

Sebastian noticeably becomes uptight, like any move would set me off. I completely ignore it and make no remark. He sees this and leans back a little into his chair.

The teacher comes around and hands us the test we did a week ago, giving me a knowing look, she hands me the paper. I peal my gaze away from her and look down towards my mark. C+ what the fuck?

Angry I flipped to the back page and analyze the sections that were marked on. Punctuation- every goddamn time. I grow annoyed and throw my paper back down onto the desk, folding my arms again with an evident scowl.

Sebastian sneakily glances towards my paper and I pretend not to notice. He leans in a little and I couldn't help but let my anger take over as I snap my head his way.

"What?" I question coldly.

He quickly looks up to me and gives me some space. "I was- do you ne-?" He stumbles, not sure if he should be saying anything at all.

"Spit it out, White." I snarl impatiently.

He quietly breaths out and doesn't tumble over his next words. "Do you need help?" He sweats, watchful of my next action.

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