21} she's definitely avoiding me

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"She over thinks because she was under-loved."

~A.D. Woods


She's been acting strange, only with me though, she talks and acts as usual around her friends and everyone else. Except for me.

We just started to place ourselves on friendly terms and now it's like we've gone back to square 1 again, minus the bullying.

I sigh aloud. 1 step forward, 2 steps back.

I've tried talking to her multiple times this whole week, looking like an idiot and stutter to just try and at least get 1 of her snarky comebacks and insults out of her. But nothing works. Her reaction is either avoidable, blank and something else I can't figure out.

It was getting to the point were my mind always circled around Sam and I hardly payed attention during classes.


I perk my head up from my untouched food and glance at Mike with wide eyes. "Sorry, did you say something?"

He looks to me with sympathy and slight concern, "What's wrong? You've been day dreaming and picking at your food since Recess started." He picked up.

"Oh, it's nothing." I say, giving him a reassuring smile.

His mouth forms into a frown, "Seriously, what's wrong?" He questions again, this time more firm.

I regard him for a few moments before giving in and letting out a sigh. "Sam's been acting weird." Is all I tell him.

"How so?" He asks lightly.

I drop my fork down, "I don't know," I let out a frustrated breath, "it feels unnatural how she is with me now."

He leans on the table, "When did this start?" He queries in puzzlement.

I inhale in and look down at my food, my mind wandering off to when she started to act like this. "I think...after when we bumped into each other at Optional." I recall, peering up at Mike.

Mike deflates his shoulders a little and gives me a 'really' look. "You're going to have to give me more than that, Seb."

I slump back in my chair, reciting his words over my head. "Okay, well-" I slightly pout at what I was going to say next. "I apologized for..." I didn't finish my sentence because it felt weird telling Mike I...got intimate with Sam. Ah! Why is Black so intrigued by Sam?

"Yes?" He urges on, snapping me out of my mind.

I curl my face together, "You can't freak out."

He sits back in his chair and nods his head, waiting for what my explanation would be.

"It's happened more than once...that I got intimate with Sam." I confess.

Mikes face pulls into 1 of bewilderment, "You're kidding," He smiles, why is he smiling? "No way." He breaths out a laugh, than looks to me and sobers up a little. "Well there's your answer you dumb ass." Did he just call me a dumb ass?

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