11} i punched a wall

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{Monday, week 4}

"I have traveled through madness to find me."

~Danny Alexander


You know when you physically hurt yourself and you're so use to the soreness you forget that it's even there? That's me and my hand right now. I completely forgot about the aching after yesterday- it just didn't seem to hurt that much anymore, unless I did something to aggravate it.

I think I'm so use to feeling physical pain, I've grown numb to it. Is that healthy? No, not in the slightest. Do I care? No, not in the slightest. So when someone decided to touch my hand, everything came back to me. The affliction, the wall, my stupid twincest cousins.

I rip my hand away and snap my neck so hard towards the culprit I thought it'd fall off. "What happened?" Sebastian questions cautiously.

I quickly recover from the state of shock I was in and hide my hand on my lap under the desk. "Nothing." I blurt out blankly, "It's none of your business." I quote.

I could feel him slump in his chair, almost sulking, the worry never leaving his face. This made me mad. Okay, I get it, we both helped 1 another out. But we're not buddies all of a sudden. That's not happening. Not again.

"Oh please, don't pretend like you care." I scoff. "Pisses me off." I mumble.

He was about to open his mouth but luckily I was saved by the bell. Getting up quickly I stormed out of the classroom, not bothering to look back.

Not even 1/2 way down the hallway, making my way towards the cafeteria, someone grabs my shoulder making me stop in my tracks.

"Morning, Sunshine." Nathan greets enthusiastically, or maybe just to piss me off with the nickname he knows I hate so much.

"How many times-?"

"Many." He finishes off, with a wide knowing grin.

I cross my arms, giving him a disapproving look, but he made out the amusement held in my eyes. "You're not going to stop, are you?" I question, already knowing the answer.

"No, not-" he stops himself when his eyes connect with my bandaged hand. "What happened?" Nathan asks, his face no longer presenting that knowing grin of his and was replaced with a frown and a look of worry.

2nd person to ask me that in the span of 20 minutes. And again, the same answer.

"Nothing." I speak in a monotone voice and start walking again.

Persistent, he grabs my arm, whizzes me around and pulls up my sleeve (for better inspection) that I unconsciously covered when I entered the hall. It's a habit I do when I've hurt some part of my body really badly. I don't want it bumping into anything or being any more vulnerable and exposed than it already is. Even though it's already wrapped up with a fresh bandage my dad forced me to put on. Obviously I denied, not wanting to bring any attention towards it, but he literally chased me around the house just to get me to put it on and you can guess who won.

Nathan furrows his brows in concern and inspection. Without another word, he grabs my unharmed hand and drags me down the hall.

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