Chapter 26. Part 1: Unexpected.

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"ANGELES! YOUR WHAT!" shouted Angelica.

"My name is Angie not Angeles and you heard me! I'm pregnant!".

"How could you! Your sister will be turning in her grave right now! I'm so ashamed!"

Tears began to fall down Angie's face. Violetta got up and in front of Angie.

"How could you! How can you stand their and say my Mum will be turning in her grave! Your supposed to be my Grandmother and Angie's Mother! I know for a fine fact that my Mum would be so happy for Dad & Angie. I'm happy for them too. Pablo is happy for them. It's only you who thinks you should voice your opinions on Angie and Dad's relationship. Their happy, leave them alone!" shouted Violetta.

Angelica just stood their speechless.

Violetta continued.

"Oh and another thing, Dad and Angie are getting married".

"Oh Angeles! That's just as worse!".

Angie stepped in front of Violetta.

"So your basically saying my unborn child and wedding are just as bad as each-other! I've just found out that i'm pregnant and you come round here with your slanderous comments! Why did you come here for anyway Mother!?"

"I came to make you see sense! This is wrong! All wrong. I didn't know that you were engaged or pregnant either..but that..just..just is completely wrong Angeles!"

"No, it's not! I love German and he loves me too. I love Violetta and my unborn child too. We will be a family. You can't stop that!" answered a furious Angie.

"Well Angeles, we will see. I'm so ashamed". Angelica started to walk towards the front door.

Suddenly guess who walks in....

"JADE!" shouted Angie.

"Yes darling it's me" laughed Jade.

"Vilu, get everyone out of the house now!"

Violetta nodded.

Ludmila, Naty, Camila, Francesca, Michelle and Lucy were guided out the back door by Violetta.

German appeared out of no where.

"What's going on!?" shouted German.

Left in the room was Angie, Jade, Violetta and German.

Just then Olga fell through the kitchen door..(it was open slightly)...


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