Chapter 46. Algo Se Enciende & a kick...

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The sex of the baby to be revealed........Friday 7th November...........Do you think a girl or boy...

15 weeks and 1 day pregnant.


Violetta, Angelica, Ramallo, Angie and German were sat round the dining table eating their tea.

"Mom, it's 9.30, it's to late for you to walk back to your apartment"

"Angie, i'll be my dear. Don't you worry".

German butted in.

"Yes Angelica will be fine because, i'll give her a life back to her apartment".

"Aw thank-you German".

Angie and Violetta smiled at each-other.

"I have an idea! Just before you go Grandma...Dad, Angie follow me to the piano" said Violetta with a grin.

They all got up....Olga came in and sat down beside Ramallo.

"Dad, can you play Algo se enciende please".

German nodded and began to play the piano.

Violetta sang first-:

Si te sientes perdido en ningun lado
Viajando tu mundo del pasado
Si dices mi nombre yo te iré a buscar

Angie then sang the next part:

Si crees que todo esta olvidado
Que tu cielo azul esta nublado
Si dices mi te iré a encontrar

Es tan fuerte lo que creo y siente
Que ya nada detendrà este momento

Violetta again-

 El pasado es un recuerdo
 Y los suenos crecen siempre creceran

German, Violetta and Angie-

Ya verás que algo se enciende de nuevo
Tiene sentido intentar cuando estamos juntos
Algo se enciende de nuevo
Tiene sentido intentar cuando estamos juntos
Cuando estamos juntos podemos soñar

Violetta- Cuando estamos juntos podemos soñar


"Oh that was beautiful" said Angelica as she began to clap. Olga and Ramallo joined in with the clapping.

Suddenly of out no where Angie was startled a little bit.

"Angie..Angie are you alright?" asked German looking very concerned.

Angelica went over to Angie.

"I know what's just happened to you..." said Angelica looking happy.

Ramallo, Olga, German and Violetta looked very confused.

Angie smiled at Angelica.

"What..are you going to tell us then Grandma!?" shouted Violetta.

"Angie, has just felt the baby kick".

Violetta screamed, she was so excited.

German sighed in relief, he thought Angie was in pain.

"How did you know Mom?" questioned Angie.

"Because I had the exact same facial expression when you kicked me for the time when I was pregnant with you" replied Angelica.

"Little bean is kicking again! If anyone wants to feel..come over here...I don't know how long this will carry on for".

Violetta ran over, she wanted to be the first to feel little bean kicking".

Angie got hold of Violetta's hand and gently placed it on her bump.

Violetta instantly felt a kick.

"Oh I felt it! Little bean kicked! eeeee!" Violetta was over the moon.

German was next.

This time he had to wait a couple of minutes before the baby kicked again. Surprisingly German was very patient.


Then 3 minutes the baby finally kicked.

An instant a smile appeared across German's face.

"Mom, would you like to feel?".

"Of course, i'd love to Angie. After all, I need to get to know my second grandchild..even though he or she isn't born yet".

Angie smiled. Angelica walked over and placed her hand on Angie's bump.

"Right their" said Angie as she moved Angelica's hand to the correct place.

Little bean kicked instantly.

"Oh Angie, this is marvelous. My second grandchild and I get to feel him or her kicking. To think if I didn't come to my senses i'd of missed this".

"Well Mother, you don't need to worry about that no-more, your going to be apart of the baby's life. Plus I think German and I are going to need you and Violetta as baby-sitters from time to time" laughed Angie.

"That's fine with me Angie. I'll have the baby anytime" replied Angelica.

Violetta chirped up.

"Oh great! Angie i'm going to teach the baby to play the piano. I would love a little sister. If little bean is a   boy..i'll teach him...err well I don't know yet but i'll think of something" Violetta smiled.

"It's fine Vilu, i'll teach him to play football" added German.

"But Dad your rubbish at football. Your even worse at basketball. Maybe just teach him how to do his taxes" teased Violetta.

Everyone began to laugh.

Angie walked over to German.

"Not long now, 6 days and we will see little bean is either a girl or boy".

German kissed Angie.


What do you think? A girl or boy?   Also i'm open to name suggestions..boy names and girls:)

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