Chapter 33. Dress fittings. (1 week untill the wedding)

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It is 1.30 pm. Angie, Violetta, Camila, Francesca, Naty, Ludmila and Francesca were sat in a coffee shop. (Lucy was getting looked after by German, since her dress fitted her perfectly). - German volunteered to look after Lucy, he saw it as practise until little bean was born.

The girls are due for their dress fittings in half an hour.

"Angie! I can't believe it! A week today and it will be the wedding!!" giggled Violetta.

"I'm so excited Angie!" shouted Francesca.

"Angie, you will look stunning!" screamed Camila.

"Aw girls, i'm so excited too. I will marry the man of my dreams, the father of my little bean".

"Huh..little bean?" everyone stared at Angie. They all looked confused.

"Oh that's right, none of you know. I don't like calling the baby it so I decided to go with little bean".

"Aww!" everyone nodded in understanding.

"That's so cute Angie!" Violetta smiled.

"Thanks Vilu, anyways girls we better go. Time to go our fittings" replied Angie.

Everyone got up and walked out of the coffee shop.

xxx 25 MINUTES LATER xxx

They got to the dress shop and were greeted by Lily.

"Hello everyone, are you all ready for your fittings?"

Everyone nodded and smiled. 

Lily continued to talk.

"I have two other girls in today. Here is Carrie and Lauren they will be fitting the bridesmaids and the maid of honour. Ludmila, Naty & Michelle..... Lauren will be fitting your dresses. Francesca, Camila & Violetta.... Carrie will be fitting your dresses" said Lily as Lauren and Carrie stepped from behind the till.

They both smiled.

Angie stepped forward.

"Who will be fitting my dress?" asked Angie.

Lily smiled. "Angie, I have the pleasure of doing that".

"Aw great, I can't wait to get started".

Angie turned around to face the girls.

"Well come on girls".

Carrie stepped forward.

"Right, can I have Camila first please. After Camila, I'll have Francesca then Violetta".

Camila got up and off she went with Carrie.

Next Lauren stepped forward.

"Can I start with Ludmila first. Then Naty and Michelle will follow".

Ludmila went off with Lauren.

"Well Angie, let's go and get you fitted" Angie and Lily went off to the back of the room.


All the way through Angie's fitting, she was gabbing away to Lily about the wedding...about the honeymoon. She also told Lily she was pregnant.

xxx 2 HOURS PASSED xxx

Ludmila, Camila, Naty and Francesca had all been fitted. They were finished.

 Violetta was in with Carrie and Michelle was in with Lauren.


Angie was now testing out which place the veil would go.

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