{1} Want To Be Friends?

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So this is my first Anne with an e FanFiction so if this is horrible then don't judge😂

One Shot Summary: Anne Is the new girl and Gilbert befriends her


As Anne was getting ready for school she was beyond excited that she couldn't wait to meet new kids and make new friends, so she got up and got dressed and did her usual hairstyle in braids and slipped on her shoes and ran downstairs to the smell of eggs and bacon cooking.

"Morning Marilla," Said Anne as she sat down

"Morning Anne," Said marilla as she sat the toast on the table alongside the jam and butter

"I'm so excited for school today," Said Anne as she picked up a piece of toast and set it on her plate

"Well that's good to hear," Said Marilla

"I just hope I don't get judged because of my life you know being an orphan and all," Said Anne as she took a bite of her toast

"Don't worry about them," Said marilla "just be yourself and that the only thing that will get you Friends,"

"Thanks Marilla well I better head to school now," Said Anne as she went out the door

"Anne what about the rest of your breakfast?!"


At school

As Anne walked into the school building all eyes were on her. So she put her stuff away and spotted a seat until someone called her name.

"Anne!" Said Diana Barry Anne best friend as she motioned Anne to sit beside her so anne smiled and walked to where Diana was and sat down

"I didn't know you were coming today," Said Diana as she hugged Anne

"Well here I am," Smiled Anne But little did she know that someone was watching her and that person was Gilbert Blythe

Then after a few minutes Mr Phillips came out of the supply room.

"Open your readers to page 325," Said Mr Phillips "and please welcome our newest student Anne Shirley,"


It was lunch time and Anne was finding a place to sit so she sat outside on a rock while eating her lunch until Gilbert walked up to her handing her an apple

"Hey I thought you would want this, it's freshly picked from an orchard," Said Gilbert handing the juicy red apple to Anne But Anne didn't take it "I'm Gilbert by the way,"

"Anne," Said Anne as she looked at the boy and turned away

"Nice to meet you so your the orphan girl everyone in Avonlea was talking about,"

"Yea," Said Anne

"Well do you want to be friends?" Asked gilbert

"Sure!" Said Anne

Then Gilbert sat next to her and they ate lunch

Sorry if that was crappy but I have a few reason for that, 1. This was written at almost 3 in the morning 2. I'm new to this and 3. I have no ideas what so ever 😂😂


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