{39} We Will Meet Again

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Story summary: Anne is living with the Cuthbert and is still on trial, but after a while Marilla and Matthew find out that Anne is wanted by another family, so Gilbert tries to stop her but it's to late until one day in the future

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Takes place in season 2 of Anne with an e right after the season 2 finale


Anne was getting ready for school on a beautiful fall morning, she was happy about attending school for once as Miss Stacy is the teacher for the older kids in Avonlea.

After Anne was getting ready she walked downstairs to be seen with marilla sitting on the table along with Matthew who looked at Anne and started crying

Anne walks towards them

"What's wrong?" Asked Anne

"Anne sit we need to tell you something," said marilla "now remember that trial I put you on a year ago?"

"Yea why what about it your keeping me... right?"

"Anne I'm afraid your going back to Nova Scotia this afternoon," said Marilla

"Why are you sending me back to the orphanage?" Asked Anne as her voiced cracked

"No it's not that it just.... another family wants you and they happen to live in Nova Scotia," said Marilla

"So I'm driving you back there when you get done with school,"

"I don't want to go back to Nova Scotia what if it's a family that only want me to take care of there 8 kids or want me to be a maid I just can't go back Marilla I just can't!" Said Anne as she began breaking down into sobs

"Now dear Anne don't cry I want to keep you it's just we haven't made a decision on if we weren't going to keep you or not now this family is a mother and a father who has 3 kids and want to take you in as there own child," said Marilla

"I know Marilla but I want to stay with my real family which is right here at green gables," said Anne as she cried as she ran out the door and on her way out she ran into ruby and Diana standing at her porch with Diana who was about the knock

"Anne what's wrong?" Asked Diana

"Please tell me it not Billy's hateful words again because you got to accept that he's mean and he's never going to change," said ruby

Anne laughed as she wiped away a stray of tears or more

"Anne what is really the matter?" Asked Diana

"I'm going back to Nova Scotia this afternoon, after school, apparently there a loving family that will take me in as there own," said Anne

"But Anne you cant leave! We need you," said ruby

"I know guys but I have no choice," said Anne

"What is Gilbert going to say?" Asked Diana "you two did become awfully close after Bash and Mary's wedding,"

"That's why you two need to keep your lips sealed," said a anne

The two girls nodded there head and locked there lips. Meanwhile there was someone who was eavesdropping who was giggling and had smirk in there eyes

"We'll see about that," said Josie as she walked away

When the three girls arrived at school everyone was staring, but mostly staring at Anne

"Why is everyone staring?" Asked Diana, Tillie and Jane came over

"Is it true Anne?" Asked Tillie

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