{18} The Start Of A New Life

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Story summary: Anne and Gilbert are hours away from starting a family

Present Au/Happy Au/Fluffy Au


4 hours, Gilbert was hours away from being a dad to his first born, Anne has been in labor for about 4 hours as it was 3:30 in the morning, Gilbert was standing beside his wife Anne while Diana stood on the other side of Anne encouraging her best friend

The hospital waiting room was filled with Diana's fiancé Jerry, Bash and a 6 year old Delphine, along with marilla and Mrs Lynde and mr Lynde,

After a long while it was 3:50 when a little boy was born, Gilbert was holding him when all the sudden she heard a door open.... it was Diana

Diana walked over to Gilbert smiling looking at the baby that was in front of her,

"She looks a lot like you Gilbert but maybe with a tad of Anne hair," said Diana as she laughed and she went over to her best friend and gave her a big hug

"I can't believe your a mom, I always thought you would be the mom first," said Diana "so have you two thought of a name yet?" Asked Diana

"Not yet but we will soon," said Anne

Diana smiled at her best friend and walked out

After about a second everyone came over to look at the baby

"Aww he's cute!" Gushed Ruby as she kept smiling at the baby "so what are you naming it?"

"We still don't know," said Anne "but we will have one by the end of the week,"

Everyone left the room while marilla walked in with Mrs Lynde making sure Anne knows what to do

"Guys I think me and Gilbert can handle this," said Anne

"So what are you naming the baby?" Asked Mrs Lynde

"Well we thought about it but we are thinking about Matthew after a honor of Matthew," said Anne this made marilla cry

"He would be very proud if he was still here," said marilla

"But Gilbert wants to name him John so at this moment we're having a hard time," said Anne as she picked up the baby named to be later

A few days has passed and Anne and Gilbert we're finally telling the name to everyone as it was the day of the baby naming party

Anne was sitting in her old room of green gables getting the baby ready for the party as she was doing she started to talk to it

"You know a family friend of mine wore this when she was born," said Anne as she picked up the baby Gilbert walked into the room going behind Anne admiring the child that laid in his wife's arms

"So are we ok with the name?" Asked Anne

"Yep," said Gilbert as he smiled "now everyone is waiting downstairs," said Gilbert

"Well then let's go," said Anne then they walked downstairs to be met with everyone, even there old classmates, Josie came with her husband Billy, ruby came with her fiancé moody, while charlie came by himself, and of course Diana and Jerry, Miss Stacy came and so did Diana's parents

As Anne and Gilbert set foot on the ground she called for everyone's attention

"As you all may go a week ago we didn't have a name for this little one but now I think we do, Gilbert would you do the honors first?" Asked Anne

"Would be my pleasure," said Gilbert "we would like to introduce you to our son John Matthew Blythe after my father,"

"And a very special person that has been in my life before he passed," said Anne "this baby will be named after someone who has made an impact on our lives, and I would like to introduce the godmother to be Diana, as she has always been there for me," said Anne

Everyone was on the verge of tears even marilla

And that was the end of the story

Sorry if it's crappy I really didn't plan this out but I'm on Christmas break so I will hopefully be making some one shots so yea stay tuned


"Are you ready to do this?" Asked

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