{9} What If I Told You I Liked You

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Story summary: Anne has taken a liking in Gilbert but Gilbert has taken a liking in ruby instead, until one day (this is based on season 3 I haven't gotten it yet but I somehow managed to watch it online 😂)

This came from Pinterest and the song what if that's listed above so credit to Pinterest for the idea

Present day Au


It was a normal beautiful day in Avonlea and Anne was walking to the school house with Diana and ruby, as always ruby was talking about Gilbert. But Anne didn't listen as she thought that the puppy love of ruby liking Gilbert was ridiculous.

"Did I tell you that he asked me out yesterday?" Smiled ruby

This made Anne stop

"Hey did what?!"

"Congratulations ruby," Said Diana as she hugged ruby Anne was still shocked

"Thanks, well I better tell Josie and the girls! Bye!" Said ruby as she ran off

Diana looked at Anne

"Is something the matter?" Asked diana making Anne get out of her trance

"You cannot tell anyone this, not even ruby," Said Anne

"Wait... do you like Gilbert?" Asked diana with a Smile and a smirk

Anne shushed her friend while looking around

"Yea sorta but you cannot tell anyone about this, not even mrs Lynde,"

"Got it. My lips are sealed," Said Diana "But you should tell him... before it's to late," Said Diana

Anne sighed

"I know," Said Anne as she was looking at the sight that was in front of her, ruby and Gilbert standing awfully close to each other while Gilbert was handing a giggling ruby a flower

(I know that sounds cheesy but go with it 😂)

"Come on Anne forget about him," Said Diana as she linked arms with Anne and they walked to the school house laughing and running


When they got inside Anne was greeted by Charlie

"Hello Anne," Smiled Charlie

"Hi," Said Anne as she walked away with Diana as she continued talking so Charlie turned around to Gilbert who was reading a book

"Do you think Anne interested in me?" Asked charlie

"I don't know why?" Asked gilbert who was annoyed with Charlie, inside Gilbert was mad but he was only dating ruby to make Anne jealous. Sure Gilbert feels bad but at the same time, he didn't care if he hurt Rubys feelings

"Maybe because I like her," Said Charlie

At this point Gilbert was mad so he stood up and slammed his book making everyone turn around at the sight. Some even gasps

"Do what you want to do Charlie see if I care," Said Gilbert as he walked out but turned around as he reached the door

"Just know if you break her heart.... your going to regret it," Said Gilbert as he clenched his first and jaw but he left before anything happened

Anne ran out to catch up with Gilbert so ruby turned to Diana

"What's wrong with him?" Asked ruby

Diana sighs

"I wish I could tell you ruby," Said Diana

Meanwhile Anne was running as fast as she can to catch up to Gilbert, when she got to the middle of nowhere she froze and looked around

"Gilbert! Please come back to class!" Said Anne as she shouted at the top of her lungs

Gilbert got out from behind a tree

"Why did you follow me?" Asked gilbert

"What was that back there?"

"I don't know maybe I got jealous," sighed Gilbert

"About what?"

"Charlie.... Anne charlie likes you and I can't think about losing you to someone who is way better than me," Said Gilbert who got closer to anne to grab a hold of her hand but Anne slowly pulled her hand away

"Gilbert... your dating ruby...."

"So, what if I told you I liked you?" Asked Gilbert with a Smile

Anne Smiled

"What's wrong?" Asked gilbert

"Nothing.... I was just hoping that you know... would fall in love with me instead," smile Anne

Gilbert laughed

"Will you be my girlfriend?" Asked Gilbert

"I would love to, but first break it off with ruby,"

"I will as long as you tell charlie that your off the market," Said Gilbert

"Deal," Said Anne

Then they both leaned in as they kissed each other when all the sudden it started raining

"We should head back," Said Anne

"Yea We should," Smiled Gilbert

Then they walked hand and hand back to the school house. And let's just say ruby and Charlie both wasn't happy

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