{41} The Letter Requested

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Presant day Au

This will take place during season 3 episode 10


Anne was outside working on the farm with Marilla, Matthew and Jerry. After receiving news that Jerry would be staying in green gables after Anne loves to queens, she wanted to be alone. After she went into her room slamming down her straw hat she saw a note on her dresser that was printed in her name Anne, so Anne walked over to her dresser picking the note up

"Oh really gilbert? You say something now?" Said Anne as she looked at the letter but ripped it up and threw it out the window after she rips it up, u tik realization hit her. What if the note was from Gilbert expressing his love for her so Anne ran out of her room to go on her porch. She searched for all the bits and pieces of the letter. When she found the pieces she put the puzzle together to get

I am not planning on marrying in the near future. Unless it's to you, my anne with an e. Always have been, always will be

Love: Gilbert

P.S: Thanks for the pen, good luck at queens

After Anne read that she smiled and ran to Gilbert, when she arrived at Gilbert's, she knocked on the door to be met with bash holding Delphine.

"Hey Anne May I help you?" Asked bash Anne smiled

"Yea is Gilbert home? I need to talk to him,"

"Yes he is in fact he's right here let me get him for you," said bash as he went back into the house leaving Anne outside, within seconds Gilbert came out

"Hey Anne how may I help you?" Asked Gilbert as he smiled

"Yes I got your letter and thanks for the pen but did you mean those words you said? What about winifred?" Asked Anne "I thought you were supposed to be married?"

"I was but I realized, I can't marry someone I don't know besides after that time at dance practice I just couldn't stop thinking about you, I wasn't thinking about winifred, I was thinking if you were the one for me.. and you are," said Gilbert

Anne blushes

"Thanks Gilbert.. I feel the same way," said anne

"So will you be my girlfriend?" Asked gilbert Anne smiled and nodded her head

"I would love to," said Anne

After she said that the two kissed making bash smiling ear to ear


Hopefully this was good sorry it took forever I've been busy but another one will be soon, and remember requests are still open so either dm me your idea or comment😊


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