{6} Old Enemies (Part 1)

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Story summary: Anne has flashback about her past life in the orphanage until one of her old enemy from the orphanage moves to Avonlea to cause trouble for Anne and Gilbert trying to confront her (part 1 of 2)

Italics: flashbacks


It has been a few years since Anne has left the orphanage to live with the Cuthbert's back in Avonlea Of course Anne was excited but as she left the orphanage she started to have bad memories from when she was at the orphanage.

"Your just a red headed freak that nobody wants!"

"No one will ever want you!"

Anne was sitting in class while Miss Stacy was teaching a lecture on Romeo and Juliet

"Ok who here would like to recite a paragraph from Romeo and Juliet?"

Nobody at this point didn't answer except for one person

Gilbert Blythe

"If it's ok I would like to,"

"Perfect, now we need a Juliet... Anne would you like to be our Juliet?" Asked Miss Stacy knocking Anne out of her trance

"What?" Asked anne

"I Said would you like to be our Juliet for the class today?" Asked Miss Stacy

"No thanks...." Said Anne in a low tone voice but a shaky tone at the same time


It was lunch time and everyone was sitting either inside for lunch or outside, except for Anne who was sitting at her desk still spaced out thinking of those awful words


Diana and ruby went up to anne

"Anne is everything ok?" Asked Diana concerned

"Yea your acting... strange," Said ruby

"I'm fine," Said Anne as she shrugged her shoulders

"No your not and it's ok you can tell us," Said Diana as she sat down next to anne with a hand on her shoulder while ruby stood there sitting at her desk that was behind Anne

"I want to tell you but something inside me tells me I shouldn't," Said Anne as a tears triggered down her face

"I'm not going to push things but maybe telling us might help," Said ruby

"Ok remember when I was at the orphanage and I kept having those weird day dreams?"

"No not really," Said Diana

"Oh Diana their back and it's awful," cried Anne as she hugged Diana

"What did they do to you at the orphanage?" Asked ruby feeling bad for Anne

"They called me names, told me stuff that weren't true, called me a red headed freak," Said Anne "oh it was awful,"

"Aww that so sad," Said Diana "but your safe here those girls are long gone... their in the past,"

Then all the sudden the door slammed open. It was Gilbert Blythe and a girl with long brown Locks that looked familiar to Anne and without hesitation she freaked out and hid behind Diana

"What's wrong Anne?" Asked ruby

"That's her... that's the girl that picked on me at the orphanage," Said Anne

Then Gilbert came up to the girls

"Diana, ruby, Anne, I would like you to me our new student, Elizabeth,"


"Oh hi anne I didn't know you were in Avonlea,  the matron just called she wants her red haired freak! Back," Said Elizabeth as she laughed and walked away

"What was that for?" Asked Gilbert

"I'll explain to you later Gilbert," Said Diana

Gilbert nodded

The rest of the day was horrid to Anne. Especially with Elizabeth sitting in front of Anne making Anne shaky and nervous.

"Who here would like to answer this math problem?" Asked Miss Stacy "how about you Miss Kingston,"

"No but I'm sure Anne Shirley would like to answer the question," smirked Elizabeth looking at Anne making Anne nervous

"Elizabeth why do you have to bully me all the time?!" Said Anne as she picked up her slate and smacked it on Elizabeth head making everyone in the room gasps and laugh

"Anne Shirley-Cuthbert get up here now!" Said Miss Stacy

Elizabeth laughed

"You two Miss Kingston!" Said Miss Stacy

They walked up to the front

"You two need to see me after class," Said Miss Stacy in a stern voice

"Why do you have to ruin everything Shirley?"

"It's Shirley-Cuthbert to you,"

"Enough! Class dismissed except for you two," Said Miss Stacy

Everyone left class except the two girls

"Now why are you two acting like this?"

"We used to go to the same orphanage," Said Anne

"I should've been adopted first not you!" ssid Elizabeth as she pointed a finger to herself first then Anne

"Girls! Calm down it doesn't matter who was adopted first we're fixing this,"

"I Will never ever be friends with a red headed freak like her!" Said Elizabeth

"Miss Kingston I have no choice but to expell you from coming here, Anne... your suspended for 2 days and I want you to think about your actions... is that clear Anne?"

"Yes Miss Stacy," Said Anne as she walked away

"May I have a note because my parents are very worried about me," Said Elizabeth

"No you may not Elizabeth, now get going before it gets dark," Said Miss Stacy as she sat down

"You ruined my first day of school anne you will be sorry... freak!" Said Elizabeth as she walked away laughing along with Josie Pye and Prissy Andrews

(I know prissy's not that mean but I need her to be for this one shot)

"you witch!" Yelled Anne

"Hey Anne I heard about what happened and I'm sorry about Elizabeth," Said Gilbert

"It's fine," Said Anne

"You know your not those words that Elizabeth called you from the orphanage," Said Gilbert

"Thanks I guess," Said Anne as she looked down

"You know.... your better than Elizabeth, you know that?" Asked Gilbert

"Gilbert Blythe will you please leave me alone? I need to hear myself think," Said Anne as she walked passed Gilbert

Gilbert sighed, he knew something to do

Part 2 soon this one shot is going to be in two parts because it's to long to fit into one so yea anyway hope you enjoyed 

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