{23} Spin The Bottle {Requested}

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Story summary ⬇️

Since there is two request the other one will be a separate one shot

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Since there is two request the other one will be a separate one shot

Oh and this will be based on the spin the bottle episode of season 2 of Anne with an e

Presant day Au/tad of bullying because if Josie and Billy


The girls arrived at school talking about the weekend that they hung out with Anne, so they were sitting at a table with Anne in Josies seat sitting next ruby,

"Hey why don't we go over to my house and play more parlor games?" Asked ruby After ruby said this Josie piped in

"What are we talking about?" Asked Josie as she looked disgusted at the little gathering ruby turned towards Josie

"Anne invited us all over to her house and we played a bunch of parlor games," smiled ruby, Josie scoffed

"Parlor games... without boys you have got to be joking me," said Josie as she sat down at her seat shooing Anne away as she went to her seat "I have a better idea why don't we all play spin the bottle after school?" Asked Josie as she said it with a smirk Anne was uncomfortable with this feeling and Josie noticed

"What's the matter anne? Haven't you been kissed?" Asked Josie with a little of cockiness in her voice, Anne swallowed a lump in her throat


"Exactly," said Josie


It was the end of the school day and everyone in mr phillips class has gathered around In A circle to play Josie's game,

"Diana I want you next to Charlie, and Charlie I want you next to anne," said Josie "and Jane sit with you dumb brother," said Josie billy piped in

"Where does that leave cole?" Asked billy Josie snickered a laugh but hid it as she sat next to cole

"I'm sorry about billy just ignore him, I'm glad your here," said Josie cole muttered to himself as he shifted away from Josie

"It's not like I had a choice," said Cole, Josie looked at cole with disgust written on her face but wiped it off

"Ok how about.... Anne why don't you go first?" Smirked Josie, Anne looked around and took a deep breath, as she was about to land her hand on the milk bottle billy spoke up

"No way , I'm not kissing that ugly Orphan," said billy "what if I catch lice from the asylum?" Anne looked down at the bottle and saw that her hand was shaking, Gilbert took noticed and stood up

"I'll kiss Anne," said Gilbert everyone gasps especially Anne Josie spike up

"Well than let the freaks kiss," said Josie As Josie said that Anne was shaking again so Gilbert kissed Anne's cheek and after he did that he pulled away and whispered in her ear

"Meet me when all this over," said Gilbert Anne nodded as she went to sit down she looked over at ruby who was crying and sobbing so Anne mouthed an I'm sorry so ruby gave her a mean look and looked forward


After the game of spin the bottle Anne waited outside for Gilbert, after a while he came out

"Hey Anne, your probably wondering why u asked you to come out here, well did I mention that I like you?" Asked Gilbert Anne stopped and smiled

"What you did back there really helped me out," said Anne Gilbert smiled and looked down

"Oh it was nothing, I'm sorry about billy and Josie they had no right to do what they just did," said Gilbert Anne walked forward

"It's not like I'm perfect, I may have been born poor as church mice but As long as I have a family... Im fine I don't need a life to be rich or improper," said Anne Gilbert smiled and grabbed Anne's hand

"And that's what i like about you Miss Anne Shirley Cuthbert," said Gilbert Anne smiled and blushed

"Ok fine I like you to," said Anne then they walked home with each other


Hopefully this was good, I did the next I can with it but if you have another request feel free to place them below because I am more than happy to do them!


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