{5} Dear Gilbert

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Story summary: Anne has recently passed away because of tuberculosis and Gilbert finds a letter that Anne has written to him

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Story summary: Anne has recently passed away because of tuberculosis and Gilbert finds a letter that Anne has written to him

Sad AU


It was a cold winter day in Avonlea and a sad day for everyone especially for Matthew and marilla. Anne has recently passed away from a disease called tuberculosis, everyone has gathered around from Avonlea... well not everyone only people that were close friends with Anne like Diana, ruby, Cole, Tillie, Jane and her family, and even Gilbert who was crying his eyes out.

Anne and Gilbert have been dating briefly before she fell ill and he felt like another piece of him was gone.

"She will be missed.... and she will not be forgotten," Said the pastor as he was reading out of the Bible that was in his hand "may she rest in piece,"

Then the pastor closed the Bible


It has been a few hours and everyone has gone home especially Gilbert but when he arrived home he felt a note in his pocket so he took it out

"How did that get in there?" Asked gilbert To Himself as he opened the letter to be read with....

Dear Gilbert....
By the time your probably reading this I will probably be dead... but I want you to know that you will always be special to me, but I want you to do me a favor.... don't be sad and lonely because of me... go and find someone that loves you as much as I loved you.... I'm very proud of you slate head
Sincerely: Anne Shirley cuthbert

As Gilbert read that he pinned it up onto his wall and stroke the note

"I'll never forget you carrots," Said Gilbert as he was trying to hold in tears

9 years later

9 years later has passed and Gilbert was getting married to the love of his life.... Rose Eisenhower a girl that he met when he went to queens academy and had a little girl named Ella Blythe. Every now a then he would go and visit Anne's grave and talk to it

At the end of the day he would always place a carrot or some flowers on it then walk away


Sorry if this is crappy but I was thinking about actually writing a anne and Gilbert FanFiction But I don't know would you read it?


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