Chapter 1

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6:45 am my clock reads as I roll over and tap it aggressively like its the alarms fault that I have to be up so early. Laying back down I look up at my ceiling fan and right as I start to think "ten more minutes" my little brother Max comes through my door and plops down my bed.

"What are you doing?" I say throwing a pillow at him.

"Morning Henley. Mom wanted me to make sure you where awake." He says as he flops on his back and throws the pillow up and down into the air.

"Well I'm awake but I'm still wondering why you are in here?" I ask him with annoyance in my voice. He stares at me with his bright blue eyes that I'm very jealous of and his dark eyelashes that in case them, he sits up and swooshes his dark drown wavy hair off his forehead.

"Just making sure your okay, didn't know how you felt about mom leaving today." I can hear some disappointment in his voice.

"Oh I'm fine, it's not the first birthday shes missed I know she would be here if she could but you and I both know that when work calls she has to go." I say to him reassuringly.

He stands and almost hits his head on my fan he's quite tall for only being 16 he smiles down at me and turns to leave. Deciding I should get up and get ready for the day I make my way to the bathroom and take a quick shower. Once I'm wrapped in a towel I walk to the mirror and stare at the person looking back.

My 19th birthday is in two days I don't look like I'm going to be nineteen, my pale skin and freckled nose don't help. I'm short unlike my little brother I barely reach five three and I have curves lots of them if there's one thing about me that looks older then what I am it's my body. I would never say this out loud but I secretly enjoy when a guys mouth drops when I walk by.

I get dressed for my day my usual outfit. A pair of jeans, a white tank top under a light blue cotton t-shirt that is a little tight around the chest but it looks good and a pair of brown boots that come about mid calf. My long chestnut hair is always wavy until I straighten and tame it. I throw on some mascara and black eyeliner to make my already brown eyes darker. I take one last look in the mirror, I'm not ugly but I lack confidence in myself. I think it's from growing up in a small town with watchful eyes and being the daughter of the high school principal I've always had to be the good girl. I pinch my cheeks and put a smile on my face before I go downstairs.

Once I enter the kitchen I see Max piling pancakes on to a plate while our dad is casually reading the newspaper. "Good morning sweet heart" mom says from around the corner.

"Morning" I say back as I sit down at the table and make a plate of my own. She walks in the room and sweeps her curly brown hair off her shoulder with a smile on her face.

"What time do you leave tonight?" I ask her even though I already know the answer.

"My flight goes out at 6, I'll be leaving here by 4." she answers.

"Okay, I'll be home in time." She must notice the little disappointment in my voice because she comes and gives me a small kiss on the head and I silently finish eating.

"I'm getting ready to head into school, Max are you coming?" I ask as he stands up and nods his head with a full mouth.

"See you soon kids" my father says as his kissing mom goodbye.

I smile to myself as I walk with my brother to my car. My life is almost near perfect, I have everything I could ask for at my age, parents that love each other, a few close friends, good grades and I've been accepted to my dream college that I head off for In less then four months. I do sometimes wish life didn't come so easy for me but I have nothing to complain about.

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