Chapter 30

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"I'll come with you. I'm not doing this to make you happy though so wipe that stupid smile off your face." I snap at my mother. After I agreed with Carter to leave we both held each other for awhile before we walked back to the house to let everyone know.

"You won't regret this sweetie." She's still smiling at me.

"I'm already regretting it mom. I'm leaving behind three people I care hugely about!" I raise my voice making her jump.

"It won't be for long. They will be with us shortly after we arrive, I'm going to work on it as soon as we get back." She says it so hopeful, like it's going to change my attitude. I won't believe her though not until I see her making good of her word.

"I'll believe it when I see it. Look I don't really feel like talking anymore when are we leaving?" I ask trying to keep from crying. Carter must notice the choking sound that comes from my voice and wraps his arm around my waist pulling me close to his side.

"Soon. My team should be here within the next hour so if you have things to pack I'd get going." It feels like her words are heavy weights just slamming into my chest. An hour? That's all I have left with Carter and who knows when we will see each other again.

I feel myself moving but I don't know how. My life is once more taking another turn around and I don't know how much more I can take of it. The tears running from my eyes burn as they make a path down my checks. I'm standing in my bedroom now watching as Carter digs through my closet pulling out my suitcases. He's talking to me but all I see are his lips moving I can't hear him. He walks back and forth grabbing clothes from my drawers and closet placing them neatly into each case. I should be helping him. My feet won't move though I'm frozen to this spot. Watching him move gives me some ease in my chest though. The way his long legs move so effortless to get to their next destination and how his arm muscles bulge every time he folds some article of clothing. Ever so often he flips his dark hair away form his eyes, his hair has gotten longer since I meet him I'm really just noticing it now. Stopping a few feet away from me he places his large hands in his hips and meets my gaze with his mesmerizing blue eyes. He doesn't smile though, the frown that's on his face let's me know he's just as upset as I am. I remember my dream I had of him asking me not to leave him, begging me not to leave. Why won't he do that now instead his pushing me to go. Hell he's even packing my stuff.

"I just got you." I whisper it just enough for him to hear.

"What?" He asks confused.

"That's what you said in my dream. You were begging me not to leave you because you just got me."

"Okay? I don't think I'm following what you are getting at."

"Don't you though. Carter I just got you and now you're pretty much begging me to leave. It's almost like my dream is coming true. The whole thing is based on one of us having to leave the other. Except I don't have to shove a knife into your skull instead you're just doing it to my heart." His face twinges at the painful words I tell him.

"Henley I...."

"No don't. I'm sorry I shouldn't of said that." I cut him off. It wasn't far of me to say that, I know he's battling with himself about this whole situation. I wrap my arms around his waist after closing the distance between us.

"This is just as hard for me as it is for you, please don't say things like that." He tells me and wraps his arms around my shoulders.

"Come on let's finish packing. Let's make sure you have all your clothes and things you absolutely need everything else I'll make sure to bring with me." He says as we pull away from each other. The ache in my chest is back but I nod and head for the bathroom grabbing all my toiletries.

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