Chapter 15

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The rain has started to come down to hard now we can't finish the fenceright now. So I walk into the barn where I find Max, Gabby,that preppy boy and that blonde all talking in a group. Walking up to them I look over at Max "Your sister is pretty stubborn she's insisting on coming tomorrow." I say it more as a heads up so thay he can go let Roger know.

"She's not so stubborn with you though it seems. Took me almost six months to get in bed with her. It's taken you what less then a two weeks?" I glare at thedouche bag who's face is completely bruised. Balling my hands into fists he continues to run his mouth, "what you didn't know that I had her first? Well now you do. So the next time she goes to lay down with you remember I was there first." I feel my heart racing with rage, I can't tell if I'm mad about what he's saying or if I'm upset that Henley's not as innocent as I thought she was. "Dirty little slut she is in the sheets, right?" He finishes speaking and I ram my fist in his face.

Grabbing his face he falls to the ground while Jessica runs up beside him. "If your nose wasn't broken before it definitely is now. Do not fucking talk about her." I say clenching my teeth. Bringing my arm back to hit him again I suddnely stop when the barn door flies open. Someone comes in saying a group of growlers are coming. Running to get my bow from I head for the door following everyone else out to the field.

"There's at least ten of them. Gabby's up top with the gun I think we can take them with just us few. Max says to me as him and some others come up beside me. It's harder to see with the rain coming down. Pulling my bow up I get one of its head in my site and let the arrow fly to the body and watch it fall to the ground. Max motions for everyone to move closer these things are scattered enough that if I get the faster ones with my bow the others can stab the rest. We all do just that and one at a time they seem to fall around us blood smearing on everyone's clothes. Once it looks all clear I walk around to each body pulling my arrows out not wanting to waste them. The others go around with the farm truck piling the bodies in the back.

"We'll have to burn them tomorrow. It's to wet right now." Some guy behind me says.

I try not to look at the faces that I put an arrow into usually because I dont like to think of who they might of been. When I get to this one particular one I can't help but stare. It's an older women probably mid fifties, her hair is all disheveled but you can tell it's brown with hints of grey, her skin has changed and she has a bite mark on her neck. I cant really make out her facial features or what color her eyes used to be but I can tell she used to be beautiful once before all this happened to her. Pulling the arrow out of her head I bend down and close her eyes.

"Hey, Eric thinks we can finish the fence before dark. It's not raining as bad." Max hollers from across the field. Stepping over the limp body in front of me I jog to catch up with him.

We end up finishing the fence by the time it gets dark. Its been a long weird day. Going back into the barn I go into my stall to get everything ready for the trip to town tomorrow. Checking my bike I have enough gas for the trip there and back, I have a hand gun in one of my side pockets just in case but I've never had to shot it. Changing out of my damp clothes I wash up in the make shift bathroom one of the guys made. He was a pretty smart and knew a lot. I never got a chance to ask him what he did for a living because we lost him in the last trip that he took with Eric. Once I'm dressed I walk around taking a head count. Everyone is in their usual spots I tell Eric I'm leaving, he just waves me off as he strudies the map in front of him. Walking up to the porch I see Roger sitting in his normal spot like he does every night.

"Everyone's all tucked in sir." Going to stand in front of him.

"Ah Carter I think you can start calling me by my first name." A little shocked at what he's saying I just nod at him putting my hands in my pockets.

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