Chapter 22

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"If Max knew anything he would tell me. I know he would." Henley's saying as I drag her behind me.

"I hate to break it to you sweetheart. Your brother knows something." Slamming his door open I find Max right away sitting on the edge of his bed while Gabby's sitting in a chair across the room reading a book. Now a days you can't find one of them without the other. They say their not fucking but come on we all know whats going on.

"Oh hey guys. What have you both been up to." Gabby says putting her book down. Looking down at our hands together she just lifts her eyebrow and gives us both a smirk. I don't feel like dealing with her shit right now. Henley drops my hand walking to Max and gives him the papers we had just been looking at. She's biting her bottom lip. Max doesn't do anything. He just sits there with the papers in his hand.

"Do you know what those are?" She says through gritted teeth.

"Henley this isn't how dad wanted..." He finally says something.

"I don't care what dad wanted. Tell me Max do you know what any of this means?" She walks towards him and he stands from the bed towering over her.

"I don't know what to tell you Henley. Dad came to me and kind of explained things but I don't know how to tell it to you." He raises his arms and drops them hitting his legs.

"Well try your best to because I'm not leaving until I get something." She says crossing her arms over her chest.

"Why don't you talk to dad?"

"Because dad and my conversations usual turn into a fight. Just give me something Max."

"Fine whatever Ill tell you what I know. Dad came to me a week after you.. Well after the injury you had and then you got that bad infection. He panicked, like to the point that he didn't think you were going to wake up. At least not wake up as yourself." He pauses for a minute. Not taking my eyes off Henley I watch her rub her side where I know her scar is.

"So he came to me asking for me to leave you for a moment cause there was things he needed to show and discuss with me just in case anything happened to him as well. I didn't want to, I told him he was being paranoid but he insisted I go. Well so I did then he started showing me all these papers none of it made sense at first but then once dad explained it to me it all fell into place kind of. One of the things he showed me was the actual formula that the man made the one that started all of this. It would be genius almost if it wasn't so fucked up like, like he was trying to make something for immortality but it just went the complete wrong way." He doesn't take his eyes off his sister as he continues.

"There was some stuff that even dad didn't know but when I pulled this one out he panicked like I wasn't suppose to see it but I did so I pushed him to tell me. Starring at it I was so confused but if you take..."

"Yes I know it's the date and time but what does it mean and why is it dated ahead." Henley shifts her hands to her hips as she cuts her brother off.

"Right Uhm well according to dad she left kind of like a to do list."

"So you mean mom knew this was going to happen?" She pulls at her hair.

"Well not that this exact thing was going to happen. But when she left she was warned that it wasn't good . So she left a note to dad saying where he could find this stuff and he reads this stuff day everyday trying to figure out what Is going to happen next."

"Okay so you say this is some kind of list. Why is this half written in dads hand writing?" Henley says grabbing the paper from Max.

"This is where it gets complicated. So dad may also know more then what he confessed to us when all this started. He, he knows where mom is or at least did. He was able to communicate with her up until almost a week ago. That's why he wanted to go to the tower he needed to see if he could get a hold of her from there, but he didn't have any luck. She's been telling him what to do next and even how to do it. Don't ask me how he's been able to talk with her but I know he has. It's all really confusing Henley but apparently there is some way to live with what's going on." Now I'm confused.

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