Chapter 21

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When we finally pull apart for some air I stare at her face taking it all in. I knew once we went all the way I wasn't going to be able to back track. I've never had a girlfriend, never even dated anyone, ever since I lost my virginity it was always just a one night stand and I would leave right after. But with Henley I want to be who she deserves and let's face it I can't stay away from her anymore. To me it was more then just a simple fuck, ever thrust, ever time her hips met mine she was taking complete owner ship of my body and my heart. This girls ruined me. Leave it to me to fall for a girl in the middle of a world disaster.

"You're lost in a deep thought over there." She says to me from the other side of the room getting dressed.

"I just drifted off." I as well stand to put on some clothes.

"It's fine. Hey wheres the picture of your mom?" She's looking all around.

"I tucked it away so some little brown haired girl couldn't be nosy." Placing her hands in her hips she tries to look angry.

"Will you tell me something interesting about yourself?" And of course she wants to ask questions.

" I don't have anything interesting to tell." I tell her being serious.

"Just humor me please." Batting her eye lashes I have to give her something, just because she looks amazing just standing there in her bra and underwear.

"Uhm well I graduated high school with all A's and one B. I think the teachers felt bad for me though."

"Give yourself some credit. You're pretty smart." She says as she slips her dress over her head covering her body.

"No I'm pretty sure the teachers just felt bad. I moved so much I think they got sick of trying to teach me things."

"Oh, Where did you end up graduating?"

"Cathedral High. In Boston." I say it a little harshly, I don't like talking about myself, it's not her fault but I don't apologize for my outburst. She just stands there puckering her lips as if trying not to say something.

"I was suppose to go to BC in the fall. It was my dream college, I think it was the happiest moment of my life when I got my acceptance letter. I just wanted to get out of this place to find myself." I hear the disappointment In her voice.

"If it makes you feel any better Boston's not all what it's made out to be." I try to make her feel better I don't know if that's really what she wants to hear. By look on her face it's not. Damn it I'm not really good at this stuff.

"Do you thing we would of meet there. I mean it's kind of a coincidence that you lived there already and that I was going there." The smile that plays on her face tugs at my heart. In all actuality though if we would have meet on different circumstances she probably would of wanted nothing to do with me. We come from two different worlds.

"I doubt it. Just because I graduate from Boston doesn't mean I stayed there. Once I saved up enough money I started traveling, didn't stay in one place long."

"Well that explains why you ended up in a small town in Maine." I just nod my head. I could tell her that my mom traveled through here once and always talked about it. That I needed to see it for myself.

"Why do ride a motorcycle? I mean it's bad-ass but it's cold and your hair whips all over." God she's killing me with all these questions.

"We'll if you haven't noticed I am pretty bad-ass and my hairs long but not that long I can handle it." I can't help but laugh as she swings her tiny leg awkwardly over my bike. The images that start flashing through my head of what I would like to do to her right now causes me to walk over to her.

All That We Are...حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن