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"Wake up sweetie! Somethings wrong with Maria." I hear my moms voice and feel her shaking me to wake up.

"Mom whats going on?" I jolt up in bed and feel Carter do the same. Looking at the clock its only reading 3:36am.

"Maria got sick so I rushed her to the doctor she has been seeing. Something is going on Henley, I heard something while I was there and I cant really discuss them right now but I need you guys to get everyone up and start packing things. One bag of clothing and then pack what you can for food. Ill be back in an hour." I'm so confused as she starts to leave the room.

"Mom, your scaring me what is happening?" I'm standing behind her now and she turns to look at me.

"Honey we are leaving. We need to get away from this place. Please, please trust me right now and do what I ask. I need to get all of you out of here safely." The fear in her eyes lets me know not to push this right now for the time being.

"Is Maria going to be okay? Just tell me that."

"I hope so Henley..." She looks down at the ground and then turns to leave.

"Ill start packing some clothes, why don't you go get the food and tell everyone else." Carter says to me as we both start to put on jeans. I give him a fast kiss and head out the door.

Everyone is in their rooms packing what they need. None of them asked questions they just went straight doing what we had been told. Its been three weeks since the boys showed up from the farm. A few days after Max and Carter came here we where told the Christian was actually not found and he is still some where out there, maybe.

Everything had been going smoothly we all had gotten into our own routine of things. Maria had started making a turn for the worse about a week ago but I thought when I saw her yesterday she was getting better. I wish i knew more of what was going on. Where are we suppose to be going to? A different area, a new house or does she mean that we are leaving the walls completely. I'm not sure what to think about the moment, I don't know if I'm ready to go back out and into the real world. Hearing footsteps come down the stairs I turn to see Gabby and Max drop their bags and make their way towards me to help with the food. Shortly after Carter comes and Jessica emerge from their room.

"Whats going on?" Gabby asks looking at all of us trying to get some kind of an answer.

"We don't really know. Just that Maria got sick and mom started hearing things. She said she would explaining more later but she needed to get us out as soon as she could." I say as I pull on my boots and coat. We all stand in silence until we hear the front door open and we all make our way to it.

"Oh good you all are ready come on hurry we need to get going." My moms waving her hand as if for all of us to hurry a little faster.

The guys grab all the food bags while the girls get the bags of clothes. When we walk outside we see a big black SUV waiting for us. Quickly loading everything into the trunk we pile in. Max, Jessica and Gabby squeeze in the way back row while Carter, Maddie and myself sit in the middle. My mom jumps in the passenger seat and a bald guy is taking off down the road before the doors are even shut.

"What about dad?" Max hollers from behind us. My mom turns around to face us all.

"Your father is with another group that we are meeting up with shortly. This is Marcus guys. He knows some stuff and is going to help all of us get out of here." She says and Marcus waves his hand he continues speeding down a road.

"What is happening? Wheres Maria?" I say a little panicked and Carter grabs my hand trying to calm me.

"Henley I'm so sorry but I got word right before I came for you all that Maria died. Well she was killed slowly by these awful people that I thought I trusted and brought my family too. This place is not at all what I thought it was. We'll be safer on the other side of the wall." And with that said she just turns around.

Once again my world has been turned around. Taking a deep breathe I mourn for Maria in my head and then mental start preparing myself for what lays ahead for all of us.

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