Chapter 7

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As I walked into my house I find Gabby sitting on the staircase just starring at nothing she stands and faces me once I walk into the room. "What's going on Henley you look upset." She says as I walk around her. I can't talk to her right now she has her own problems going on and I truthfully don't know what to say right now.

I step into my parents room and just stand there not really knowing why I'm here, maybe I miss my mom, maybe everything my dad just said isn't true but that he made it up. He must of it only makes since, he wants everyone to think he's some kind of leader he probably doesn't even have anymore guns other then the shotgun. But then I see it three wooden chests and a smaller one on top of them sitting on the other side of the bed. I slowly walk over trying not to cry when Max and I'm assuming my dad come barreling into the room.

"Henley what was that all about?" Max says as I swing around and look at him.

"Does it not bother you that we have been lied to most of our life ?" He makes a face like he didn't want to hear me say that.

"Henley, Max listen I need you two to sit down so I can explain all this to you. This was suppose to be something your mother and I talked to you about but this happened a little sooner then we expected." My dad says as he closes the door.

"Expected! You knew this was going to happen all along? Where is mom anyways have you heard from her? Why didn't you think we need to be prepared for this?" I holler at my dad and I can tell he's fighting with himself on how to go about this.

"You have been prepared for this your mother and I have just been doing it for you." He says and I jump off the bed.

"Did you prepare for this to happen to me?" As I pull my shirt over to show my bruise "because if I knew how to shot a gun then this wouldn't of happened."

He put his head in his hands "will you please just let me tell you what I need to tell you." I hear the pleading in his voice so I sit back down.

"The job that your mom does is some secret government shit. Honestly till this day I'm still not sure what it is cause she can only be so descriptive. Before your grandmother passed away your mother was called out for an assignment when she returned things seemed different I couldn't ask her about it i never can." He looks at us to make sure we are still listening then continues "once your grandmother passed we got the deed to the house and that's when your mom told me everything. Apparently some crazy scientists was messing around with different disease testing them on real people and some dead. Well turns out one of the things he did on a person made them die but yet they were still very much alive. Once your moms crew got there they were unsure of what this guy was capable of and how many he had done it to. It took them almost three years to get everything back to normal and push it in the way back of the files. Everything had been fine until your mom got a call about a week ago saying there was some strange break out but they didn't know exactly what it was. Well as you can tell it was something this guy did that they didn't get and it spread way faster then anyone expected. I haven't been able to get in touch with your mom last I knew she was going to DC but I'm not sure if she made it."

"So where did all the weapons come from?" Max asks, I'm still trying to take this all in.

"I've always had a thing for guns but once your mom told me this we stocked up on them and food. If you go downstairs into the basement there is probably enough food to feed 15 people for almost a year." We never go downstairs I was always told it was just a small crawl space. Another lie.

"We have like 25 people here though" Max speaks again and I'm amazed he's not as mad as I am.

"There is enough food for right now. Once we get some people trained on shooting guns and defending themselves were going to have to make trips to towns. Foods not going to be the only thing we'll need."

"Dad do you think this will end?" My brothers voice sounds so far away the worry in it makes something inside me ignite. I stand up and they both look at me

"I'm mad, I am so mad that you and mom lied to us for most our life but we are all we have right now and I need to protect him." pointing at Max. I go to walk for the door and turn around again "tomorrow dad bright and early your teaching me how to shot everyone of those guns."

I start to go to my room to let this all sink in but once I walk by the front window I see a pair of familiar jeans sitting by the big tree out front and find myself walking to them.

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