Chapter 13

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Walking into my parents room it looks different. Papers are all over their bed, maps of the area are hanging on the wall, and they're some guns scattered on the dresser. I walk straight over to them running my hands on top of them a shiny silver one catches my eye. Picking it up I turn it over in my hands remembering using this same hand gun with my grandpa years ago. Grabbing it I head out of the room I'm going to shot something I don't know what but someone is going to show me.

"Henley your not back to yourself, you can barely walk, you haven't eaten I don't think this is a good idea." My dad say as he helps me walk down the stairs. Shaking him off I just keep going straight out the front door. Once I get outside the air feels warm considering the sun is hidden behind big grey clouds, it looks like it's going to rain. Feeling a little exhausted I stop to catch my breathe before I move on. Hearing laughter I look over to where the sound is coming from and my heart feels as if it drops into the bottom of my stomach.

Jessica is rubbing Carter's now shirtless back and ridiculously laughing at something he just said. I can't seem to pull my eyes away, clearly their is something going on between the two of them and that must of been why he stopped kissing me in the bathroom.

"The worlds coming to an end but you can always count on Jessica being a skank." A familiar voice says coming up beside me.

"Oh Gabby." Is all I say as I grab her with one arm and wrap her into a hug.

"Nice to see you too. I've missed you." She says to me as we pull away. There's no reason to bring up Brandon if she needs to I know she will on her own time.

"How is she even here?" Looking back at Jessica, she's know alone hanging some clothes out on a line.

"How do you think? She was with Christian the night everything happened. She's not sure what happened to her family but she has come in handy with something's."

"Yeah I'm sure she's giving plenty of handy's as well." She just laughs and Max comes up beside us standing a little closer to Gabby she smiles up at him, well that's a little strange.

"Look Henley I agree with dad I don't think you're ready to be shooting a gun but I'm not going to stop you either. We have a some targets set up on the other side of the barn. If you want I'll come show you what I've been taught." Max says shrugging his shoulders. Nodding my head he drapes his arm over my shoulders and leads me to the barn.

There's boards set up in different areas spreading around the back of the barn. Each of them has targets, some are smaller then others, I'm assuming to make it harder to aim at. Max tells me to stand behind a piece of rope on the ground and just to point the gun and aim. I do as I'm told. As I go to pick the gun up my side pulls and I drop my arm to ease the pain. Reaching to take the gun from me I shake my head at my little brother and he backs away. I raise my arms back up ignoring the pain this time I aim for the closets target and pull the trigger.

I grunt in pain through my teeth so no one hears me. Then like always Carter comes out of nowhere and walks up to the target I just shot at.

He laughs "She missed completely." My face gets red from embarrassment and form him laughing at me. He starts to walk towards us wearing nothing but shorts and his shirt hangs out of the back pocket. Grabbing the bow n arrow on the table beside the barn he stands a few inches away from me brings his arms up pulls the arrow back and let's it go, we all watch as it hits the dead center causing the board to wiggle. Doing it a second time he hits the center once again, looking over at him I see his back muscles moving as he pulls the string with the arrow back again. When he lets it go I can't help but stare at the tattoo sprawling across his upper back. Starting from the base of his neck it wraps around the bottom of his right shoulder blade, I'm pretty sure it's a koi fish but then it almost looks like a dragon. On anyone else it would look weird but it's perfect on him. Looking over at me he has a cocky smile spreading across his face.

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