Chapter 2

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"Can we stop at the store, I'm starving." Max says from the passenger seat.

"Max we just had breakfast less then two hours ago."

"I know but I'm a growing boy Henley I need food." I roll my eyes and pull into the store parking lot. He probably has had ten growth spurts all in just this year if he grows anymore we're going to have to by a taller house.

Once I step out of the car I feel like the back of my head is burning. Quickly turning around my eyes lock with the bluest eyes I have ever seen. He blinks and I snap back to reality. Walking towards me I get a little panicky, he's hair hangs in his eyes and is so dark it's almost black. What I thought was a jacket is actually a leather vest and he has a chain that hangs around his neck I can already tell his look is only something he can pull off. "What's up clumsy?" He says and I'm not sure if he's talking to me. I spin around and watch him walk towards a motorcycle that sits low but the handle bars are high. As he turns it on and revs the engine I jump once again, that's the same noise I heard in the library. He stares at me and drives off. Goodness I don't even know this guy but he's giving me these weird feeling.

"You know him?" I realize I'm staring at nothing now as my brother comes up to me.

"Nope not at all" I turn on my heel and basically run into the store. Grabbing a newspaper I walk behind Max as he goes from isle to isle. As I look down at the cover of the newspaper and slam into the back of Max.

"What the heck Max!" I holler rubbing the front of my head this time, if I keep running into people I'm going to get a concussion.

"Henley." He says in almost a whisper. I walk around him now curious on what has made him frozen in his spot. A huge shiver runs down my spin as I shake my head to make sure what I'm seeing is real. Mrs. Grant is standing in front of the meat isle with half a raw steak shoved in her mouth and raw hamburger hanging from her hands. Slowly walking up to her I tap her on the shoulder "Mrs. Grant how are you feeling shouldn't you be home getting some rest?"

"I, I, I..." She drops the meat and stares at me like she has no clue who I am. Grabbing her hand she pulls it away fast and goes running from the store. Her hand felt so cold but yet she was sweating like she had just ran a marathon.

"Damn it not another one." Mr. Johnson says from behind us. He's the owner of the store and not really the happiest man in town.

"What do you mean another one?" I ask him.

"There was a set of teenagers earlier about your age came in and did the same thing and yesterday I had Dennis from next door come over here he looked like he could of eaten me. Strange stuff I don't know what's going," he shakes his head and goes to clean up the mess. I grab max from his spot and drag him out into the sunlight.

"Henley what's going on?"

"I wish I knew, let's get home I'm sure mom will make you something to eat."

Driving down the long dirt driveway that is so familiar to me I get a strange feeling in my stomach as my mind goes back to a set of blue eyes I know I won't forget. I drift back to reality once I see our house its a big white old horse farm so there is fences all over the acres of fields we own but we don't have horses. It was handed down to my mom from her parents once they passed. My grandmother loved horses but had to sell them all once my grandfather got sick with cancer. This house hasn't had a horse on it since. Ten years of my life have been spent here, it holds so many memories. Like when I was climbing the big tree out front I fell and broke my arm or when we thought we lost Max but he had fallen asleep with our old family dog in the barn and all the countless amounts of laughs we have shared inside. It will be hard to leave for college but I know I'll always have home to come back to.

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