Chapter 20

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Carters leaning over me running his hand on the inside of my thigh, I smile as he kisses the nape of my neck giving my goosebumps all over. When he's hand gets to the edge of my underwear I let out a soft moan and he smiles against my skin. Rubbing my hand along his arm his skin doesn't feel the same its cold and almost brittle feeling. Ignoring it I think of where his hand is and how he's teasing me but then his fingers don't feel warm anymore they feel cold as well. Kissing my shoulder he nips it a little then bites it breaking skin. "Ouch Carter that hurt!" I tell him but he does it again. Tears start to run down my face "Carter your hurting me stop." I try to tell him one more time but this time I get my hand on his forehead and push his head away from my now bleeding skin. His eyes aren't the blue that they always are, their blank just a pure white. "Carter?" I choke out through the tears that won't stop. He just growls and dives for my neck again.

Jumping awake from my dream I almost fall off this tiny cot but a heavy arm keeps me in place. Rubbing my hand through my hair I try to take deep breathes and calm down my heart from slamming against my chest. That same dream has been happening every night since I had to kill those things.

Looking over my shoulder Carters face is inches from mine. His face looked so sad yesterday when he came back and had to tell me what went on. It bothers me knowing he killed Eric. I appreciated the fact that he told me right off and didn't hide it from me. The way his face showed such remorse for what had happened made me realize that he does have feelings. The last thing I expected him to ask was for me to stay with him. I knew I shouldn't but he had such desperation in his voice I couldn't say no.

"What's wrong?" His raspy voice says as his eyes start to open and he sees me watching him. Turning my head to look back at the ceiling I take a shaky breathe still letting my hear calm down.

"Nothing, Uhm I'm just sweaty can I put one of your shirts on?" I left my dress on to sleep in because I was worried that if I left he would have changed his mind and ask me not to stay. Nodding his head I get off the small cot that I have no clue how we both fit on. Grabbing a plain white shirt from the clothes I cleaned for him today I leave the room to put it on. When I put his shirt on it comes about mid thigh but it's dark so hopefully he won't notice how exposed I am. When I walk back in he's standing by a table finishing turning a lantern on. I stare at his shirtless back and how his sweatpants hang loosely off his hips.

"You didn't have to get up." He turns around realizing I've come back in. I hear him take in a sharp breathe as he's eyes rake over my body. Placing a hand on his hip he runs the other hand through his messy hair just messing it up some more. I can't take my eyes off his tone chest and stomach.

"Was it a bad dream?" He asks shaking me out of my gaze.

"I'm sorry, what?." I ask confused.

"I could feel you moving around and then you jumped awake. I'm assuming you had some kind of dream." He could tell I was dreaming. Great, that's not really a dream I feel like talking about to him or anyone else.

"Yeah its a dream. It always starts out the same way and then I wake up before it ends."

"Have you been having it a lot?" He asks and I nod my head and pull the shirt down some as he still looks me over.

"Want to talk about it?" I wish I could ignore this question. Flipping my head down I gather all my hair and pull it into a bun on the top of my head.

"Not really."

"Henley, will you please tell me?" He almost sounds demanding.

"Ugh fine. You and I are almost. Well you know in bed. And then right as it starts to get more serious you turn into one of those things and then start beating me. Then I wake up. It's the same thing every night. Like I said." I finally confess not wanting to do this back and forth thing with him.

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