Chapter 5

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As I'm driving down the main road that I came into this town on I see headlights coming towards me. They come to a complete stop and I pull up beside them. It's another car full of at least five people I tell them to follow us unsure of where I'm going or if these people are even going to help us. I'm not even sure why I'm helping anyone here I should just leave and look out for myself but I don't feel like being alone but I'll never admit that.

Before we start to drive again I see someone in the distance running towards us screaming "HELP ME!" Then it seems way to fast to be true but another human being jumps on top of them and I'm pretty sure they take a bite out of their neck. Horns behind me start going I push on the throttle and don't stop until I'm parked in front of the biggest house I think I have ever seen in real life. There's fences all over the land and a big red barn attached to the back. The front door on the porch swings open and out walks a tall older man with a full faced beard.

"Who are you?" He hollers out towards us and I realize he has a shotgun in his hand.

"Mr. Smith it's Christian we didn't know where to go Eric told us to come here." The preppy boy hollers as he gets out of the truck.

"Christian where are your parents and Eric Johnson? He sent you to come to my house?"

"Yes sir he told us he would explain everything to you when he got here and my parents they were on their way here but I fear they might not make it ." I climb off my bike not wanting to listen to this anymore as I walk up to the stairs of the porch the door swings open and out she walks.

She's wearing these boots that I can clearly tell she just threw on. As my eyes go up her short but toned legs I notice she's wearing these polka dotted pajama shorts that fit her round hips just right, her waist is small but it shows off her amazing curves. My eyes land on her chest and she's not wearing a bra under her tight shirt. Damn, I need to look away my pants are getting tight in the wrong place.

"And who the hell are you?" As I'm assuming her dad asks me from the top of the porch. I look over at him and he has a look on his face like he knows what I was just thinking of.

"Uh I'm Carter." Is all I say this man doesn't need to know anymore about me.

"Carter I'm afraid I don't know who you are and would really like for you to back away from house." He states very sternly.

"Ha look old.." A hand is placed on my shoulder and I'm cut off from what I'm about to say.

"Roger I see you meet Carter he's with me. Now he might not seem like the nicest kid around which he isn't but he did what I asked of him. That's not our biggest worry now we have some things we need to discuss. The town has gone to hell just came from there its a disaster." Eric says and walks up to Roger standing in the porch.

They stand face to face talking in pretty much a whisper. I take a chance and look over to the girl standing so silently by the door. Shes already looking at me. I watch as her eyes start to scroll up my body and stop briefly at the chain hanging off my neck then her dark eyes lock with mine and I get this strange feeling in my stomach. The door behind her flings open as our gaze is torn away. A taller boy walks out looking just like the older man with the beard it's the same boy she was with today at the store, it must be her brother.

"Max! I thought you where going to stay inside." Her voice sounds like nothing I've ever heard before and then she's gone pushing tall boy back In the house. I look back at Eric as he starts to turn around. "Alright we need all the adults to follow us out into the barn all the kids go inside Max and Henley will get you all settled."

I follow the adults to the barn I'm not a kid anymore I haven't been for awhile. The barn isn't a typical barn there is stales everywhere but no animals or hay it's just a big empty place. Eric had found some more people to bring out here there's probably at least six adults standing in here and roughly ten kids inside ranging from different ages the youngest I'm thinking is seven. The man I know now as roger stands in the middle of us and starts to talk.

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