Chapter 33

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Two months today have gone by that I packed Henley up and watched her drive away. I was hopeful at first I figured it would take a few days for more people to come back to get us but then a few days passed and nothing. Those few days turned into weeks which weeks turned into two months and lets just say all hope that I had has now disappeared completely. Her scent has left her room completely that I don't even go into it anymore. I stare at her picture for hours on end trying to remember the sound of her angelic voice and her laugh that makes me melt, but I don't hear it anymore and I'm scared I never will. My chest hurts all the time from my broken heart, I should of never trusted her mother. Fucking bitch.

I'm standing in the kitchen making myself something to eat. I don't eat much lately because I usually feel nauseous and I know I've lost weight so I eat what I can stomach cause well I have to. Hearing footsteps enter the kitchen I glance up and see Max walk in with a empty bowel in his hands that did have chicken noodle soup in it.

"Hows he doing today?" I ask him as he sits down on the bar stool across from me and places his head in his hands. With a heavy sigh he rub his face roughly then looks up at me

"I want to say better considering he ate everything. Those fucking burns on his body though aren't good man. Their not healing correctly its been two months they should be better and fuck it doesn't help that we have no clue what we are doing. He's in pain I see it in his eyes but he denies it." Max hangs his head in defeat. I feel the exact same way he is looking right now.

"They'll be here any day now man. Don't give up we'll get him better." I try to sound encouraging for him even though I don't believe what I'm saying.

"Yeah you keep saying that." He obviously sees through me bullshit. I slide my sandwich I just made over to him and start to make another one for myself. Max and I have become very close over the couple of months I really see him as my little brother that I never had. I now understand why Henley had such a desire to protect him.

"Have you talked to Christian today?" He asks me after taking a small bite of his sand-which. With everything going on he as well has lost weight and doesn't eat much either. I don't think much any of us do now a days.

Shaking my head I answer him "No not yet, I think he is still in the RV. If he doesn't come in shortly ill have to go see him to make sure his wraps on his hands are alright."

Max just nods his head at me and continues to eat. The day after all the women left the power came back on which is still going strong and we are fortunate of that. Unfortunately though some wiring got fucked up in the barn which instantly lite the thing on fire. Roger told us to just let it burn but then Max remembered Christian was in there. I had originally started to go in for him but Roger stopped me and went in himself. Five minutes that's all it took. One side of the barn caved in and I had to hold Max from rushing in after them. The terror in his voice as he called for his dad still gives me goosebumps thinking of it. Then almost like an act of god Christian emerged from the smoke carrying Roger over his shoulder. Sprinting to them I took Roger while Max helped a weak Christian. Once we got to a safe spot I laid him down and saw his clothes half burnt with some sticking to his skin and where his beard used to cover his face it now only covered half of with burn blisters forming quickly. I had no clue what to do so I dumped water on him and peeled his clothes off. Once we drugged him with pain meds we moved him to his bed and kept moist gauze to his wounds the best we could. I have no clue how to take care of a cut let alone a body covered with burns. Once we all calmed down Christian explained to us that a burning beam was falling for him and Roger pushed him out of the way and it landed on him. So Christian bare handed lifted the thing off him and carried him out, pretty much from pure adrenaline. That's when we all realized how bad his hands where as well.

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