Chapter 4

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When I packed up and left Boston after my moms funeral all I had in mind was going to this small town in Maine that she always talked about. I had no clue what it was called but once I pulled into Old Town I knew this was it. The town had no specific meaning to her what so ever she had drove through it one time when she was my age and she just always liked how small and normal it was. Our life was never normal we moved constantly and never had enough money she would always apologize to me for not giving me a better life, but I didn't care as long as I was with her. When I graduated high school I decided to buy a motorcycle and go on my own adventures. I didn't keep in touch with her much but when I got the phone call that she was found dead I sat in my bike and cried like a baby. Turns out a lot can happen in three years, she was living on the streets and became a crack whore. I cringe every time I think about it, I shouldn't of left her i blame myself I always will.

"What ya drinking son?" The old guy behind the bar asks me.

"I'll just have a beer and I'm not your son." I snap at the old man who has nothing to do with my fatherless problems but he has not right to call me his sin even though I'm sure he calls everyone son. He just smiles and pops open a beer and hands it to me.

"Some crazy shit going on out there." The guy beside me says looking up at the TV. Out of curiosity I look up and see the news.

"Yep." I answer only because I feel a little bad for being mean to the old man.

"Kind of has me a little worried, they don't even know what it is."

"Yeah it's got some people acting weird."

"Weird! Ha that's an understatement I had three people come into my store and eat raw meat right off the rack. People I knew too had to shut my store down for the day I was so freaked out."

"Really? You own that store around the corner?"

"Yeah that's mine I'm Eric Johnson nice to meet you boy." He slaps the back of my neck, I tense and I know what I'm going to say next isn't going to be nice.

"I'm not your boy nor will I ever be so don't call me that and your store is a fucking mess I would never buy anything there if it was the last place on earth." I shove off the stool and walk out the door almost regretting it the minute I do.

As I'm walking to my bike these punk ass kids pull up behind me and about five of them jump out and go running into the bar. "Hey move your damn truck!" I holler but none of them listen. As I walk back into the bar about ready to punch someone in the face I see everyone in a panic.

"What do we do Mr. Johnson I can't go home they got to my parents." One of them hollers.

"My parents are on their way here they told me I should go to the Smiths place." A blonde preppy boy says

"Christian that's actually not a bad idea." Eric says to the blonde kid. He stalks towards me and leans into my ear "I know your not from here and I'm not happy about that comment you made about my store. But whatever your story is it must be a good one to have you being such a little pompous ass. I don't see many people getting out of this town alive with whatever is going on out there but I plan on saving as many as I can and as much as I hate to admit it I think I'm going to need someone with a shitty ass attitude like yours."

He pushes me out the door "come on kids pile back in that truck and follow, what's your name I don't want to call you something wrong?" He asks me almost smirking.

"Carter." I say quickly

"Okay Carter, you all will follow Carter. Whatever stragglers we see tell them to follow unless they are sick. You lead the way to the first dirt road you see it's the only on in this town it's a few miles up so be careful and don't lose them. I'm going to my shitty store to get supplies don't talk to Mr. Smith until I get there." He says to me with some warning behind it.

"Uh okay." Still a little shocked as to what he just said to me I don't know this man but I think I might just like him. I jump on my motorcycle and rev the engine as I start to pull away I hear them, screams coming in every direction. I would have to not be human to say I wasn't even just a little bit scared of what's about to happen.

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