Chapter 24

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Pulling onto a short road there's a few large houses scattered around. At the end of the road there is a now broken gate that the jeep in front of us drives through and leads us to an even bigger house at the top of a hill. It looks almost untouched. If I had not ended up where I did this is the area I would of more then likely hit up first, just imagine what these rich snobby assholes have in their homes. Backing my bike up in front of the five car garage I scan the area around us. Everything looks clear all around the house is open fields we should be fine until morning but I can't seem to shake this weary feeling inside me. Traveling this late was a risk, the sun is still out but it will be setting soon good thing we arrived now. I understand that Roger wants to have a get away plan and the fact that blondie has an RV is bonus so we don't have to go out looking for one. The fact that they want to stay here and party has me worried. I get it though they want to be reckless and young not having to worry about this fucked up world we are now living in. If Henley wouldn't of wanted to come I'd have been fine with that and would've stayed behind with her. Looking at her face I could see it in her eyes that she wanted to come but was undecided so I just prompted her to do what she wanted but either way I'll be by her.

"If I try to get off this thing with you sitting here, there is a good chance my leg is going to hit you in the head or I will fall flat on my face or I could end up doing both, no promises." She nervously laughs behind me placing her hands on my thighs and leans over to try to see my face. Turning a bit I make eye contact and laugh at how fucking adorable she is. Sliding off the seat I turn to help her. Bending down putting my hands around her waist I hold her there for a second and put my mouth to her ear.

"It would be a god damn pleasure for my head to be in between your legs making you fall to pieces having you come all over my face." I whisper just for her to hear. Inhaling deeply I feel her shiver under my hands. Placing her hands around my neck I lift her up and place her back on the ground not taking my hands away from their place.

"Uhm..Carter..I uhh I. Huh well...that's not what I said is it?" She stutters looking strangle confused and her checks blush I can see I have her riled up.

"Isn't it though?" I wink at her placing a kiss on her forehead. Before she says something that makes me take her behind this garage and make promise of my word. I grab her hand and reluctantly walk us towards where everyone is standing.

"Gabby and myself will walk around out here making sure it's all clear. You all go in check every room, make sure windows are locked as well as doors. Jess once you find the RV keys bring them out here and we'll get it set up to go tomorrow." Max says to us all. Watching them run off behind the house the rest of us walk up the stone stairs leading to a fancy double door.

"Stay behind me." I tell Henley as she nods and places her hand on the knife at her side. Preppy in front of me has a small gun in his hands as blondie try's to unlock the door but drops the key from shaking. Picking it up she goes for the doorknob again and drops the keys for a second time. I see brown hair fly by me and try to reach for her to stop her but she's to fast. Fuck, what does she not get by stay behind me. Taking the steps two at a time I end up being behind her and watch as she picks the keys up.

"Jessica are you sure you want to do this?" Placing her hand on blondes shoulder she has full concern in her voice.

"Yes of course I'm fine." She snatches the keys from her and successful unlocks the door. Pushing it open her and preppy go in while Henley stays in place letting me go ahead of her.

Stepping into the house it's cold and quiet and huge. We are standing in the entryway which is bigger then any place I have lived. Black and white tiles cover the ground under our feet. I can see it would have normally been shiny but there is a film of dust covering it now. Looking all around I notice there is no pictures of her or her family. Random artifacts and sculptures are placed all about the open area nothing is on the dark walls, it's expensive and empty looking. Touching one of the red squiggly looking things that stands almost as tall as me, I cringe at the thought of someone thinking this looked nice.

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