Chapter 12

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Something cool and damp is touching my face. As I slowly open my eyes I see a familiar head of red hair sitting bedside me, it's Gabby. She notices I've opened my eyes. I think I read her lips saying that I'm awake, but I'm not I don't feel awake none of this feels real. Standing she says something that I don't hear and leaves the room. My eyes forcefully shut themselves and I go back to sleep.

When I wake again all I see is darkness, there's a flicker of light coming from the corner behind me. Rolling over I wince a little bit and grab my side. I see a candle lite on my bedside table with someone sound asleep in a chair beside it. Not sure of who it is. I blink my eyes rapidly to let them adjust then notice a chain hanging around their neck. Reaching out to try to wake them but my hand falls short and lands on something soft. It's some kind of stuffed animal. Pulling it into my chest I let the heaviness of my eyes win again.

This time when I wake I'm all alone. The sun is coming through my windows as I lie looking up at my ceiling fan that is no longer going. Slowly going to sit up I fall right back down as I remember that half my side was cut open. Then everything starts to replay back in my head of what has happened. In some way I was hoping that was all a really bad dream except for one part, Carter. I keep hearing his voice pleading for me to open my eyes.

"Oh your awake! I'm going to tell your father." I hear from the doorway and see Maria leave before I can say anything. Fighting through the ache I try to sit back up and succeed this time. Getting my feet on the floor I try to stand up but my legs feel like jello.

"Where are going?" Maria's voice says as she enters my room again.

"Bathroom I really need to go." I say but I'm unsure how because my mouth is so dry "and maybe something to drink."

"I have water for you and I'll help you into the bathroom. Your legs are going to feel funny for a little bit. Being out for so long can make you weak."

"What do you mean for so long?" Very confused in what she is saying to me I go to stand up again by myself but start to go back down. Maria rushes over and steadies me.

"Oh sweetie you have been out for a week well actually almost two now that I think about it. You ended up getting a really bad infection. Didn't know how to bring your fever down. But we got the right antibiotics going into you and every day you started getting better. And now look you, you're walking."

Shaking my head to make sure I'm hearing her right I say "I've been awake, I've seen people in my room."

"Yes you have woken up sometimes but no longer then a minute or so. This is the first time you've actually been awake."

I'm not sure if I believe her but at this moment I don't really care. We get to the bathroom and I tell her I think I'm fine from here she can help me walk back. Looking at myself in the mirror I am shocked at how awful I look. My hair is a tangled mess, my skin is paler then usual which makes the dark circles under my eyes look worse and I don't know who put these pajamas on me but I haven't worn them since freshman year and they are to small. Asking Maria to grab me some yoga pants with a tank top I tame my hair and throw it in a bun on top of my head, wash my face and brushing my teeth and start to look a little more like myself.

Putting the pants on was easy but I can't get my shirt on, I silently wish my mom was here to help. I stand there debating on weather I should ask Maria for help or not, it would be a quick two seconds but it would be uncomfortable. Taking a deep breathe I decide to ask her anyways.

"Maria do you mind coming in and helping me." I holler towards the closed door.

The door slowly opens and a body starts to emerge through. It's not Maria though, it's Carter. Wearing a pair of cargo shorts and just a black tank top that is tight enough to show off his muscles underneath. He's tan skin is glistening with a little sweat and it makes me want to lick it off of him. He coughs and I jerk my head back up to his face, the man is beautiful.

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