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《Chapter 18》

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Chapter 18

WHILE THE INJURED John was lying on the couch, Seraphina made a quick call to a certain healer. Y/N was feeling anxious at the extent of John's wounds, beating herself up at the fact that she could only heal herself and not others.

Seraphina went into the kitchen and brought out a glass of ice cold water. She held it to the unsuspecting John's nape, making him jump up from the sensation. He cursed from moving his injured parts. Not really caring about his lain, Seraphina drank some of the water in the cup. "It doesn't matter, Elaine will be here soon anyways."

Oh great.

The H/C girl sat on the edge of the couch, crossing her arms. "So John, mind telling us what the hell happened?"

He chuckled humourlessly, "Exactly what you'd expect. The school's ace leaves and everyone targets her weak friend."

"No," Seraphina interrupted, staring coldly down at John. "That's not what I want to know. I've never seen you break down like that before. After two weeks, the first thing you say to me I'd 'don't look at me?' That's not right."

"I'm fine now!" He assured. "I just didn't expect to see you back so soon. Anyways, how have you been? You haven't been onlin-"

"Don't change the subject," Y/N cut in sternly.

John wouldn't let the topic go, insisting that he was worried when she suddenly cut off communication. Seraphina briefly explained that her parents cut the internet, and how she managed to convince them to let her leave.

Once Seraphina finished her explanation, Y/N said, "Now explain."

John averted his gaze to the cup of water. "...I just had enough of the bullying, alright? I didn't want you two to see me so defeated..but whatever! Seraphina is back now and you're here, so everything will go back to normal."

Y/N was drowning in her own thoughts. I know this bullying thing has always bothered him, but what could've pushed him to his breaking point? Whatever happened has to do with Arlo... She wasn't completely dumb. After all, she used to be the top student at Edgewood.

Ding dong!

"That must be Elaine," Seraphina correctly assumed, walking to open the door for the blue haired healer. The said girl was panting heavily as though she has just ran a whole marathon. Hands on her knees, she apologized breathily, "Sorry I'm late. I was with Ar- a friend."

Seraphina calmly accepted it, "It's fine. Come in."

Was she going to say Arlo? Y/N observed Elaine, noticing that her aura was much smaller than usual. That meant that she already used her ability a lot before coming here. If Y/N was hearing correctly, Elaine was going to say she was with Arlo. That must mean that she was using her ability to heal him. If it was anyone else, why else would she quickly correct herself? But John was also with Arlo earlier as well. This is no coincidence..could it have been..? No! That makes no sense! John doesn't have an ability, so there's no way he could've hurt Arlo to the point where he needed Elaine. There's a possibility they were attacked...but since I'm the main character in this story and defies logic, I know for a fact they weren't hurt by someone else.

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